I was coming down here to say it, too. #righthterewithyou
I was coming down here to say it, too. #righthterewithyou
As one of my very youthful looking African-American little old lady patients once told me when I commented on how great she looked, “Honey, black don’t crack!"
Methinks that there is a painting of her in an attic somewhere growing older on her behalf.
I work in Virginia close to where the rebellion took place. Once an African American student told me he was related to a famous hero, I asked him who, and the student replied, “Nat Turner.” It was such a learning moment for me. If the history books were written by African Americans Nat Turner might be known to all of…
“It’s just more symbolic of the lack of control or power that black women had, and have, over our own bodies. As a rape survivor, I know how powerful and voiceless I felt myself for a very, very long time, and the shame and the rage. It’s only relatively recently that I found the power to have a voice.”
Truth. Damn, I just love her.
I understand this as well. I remember an article on here about “Hail Ceasar” being all white (the upcoming Clooney pic) and it had to be because of that time in Hollywood. OK, fine. I still want to see it because I think it looks funny. But if that is going to be your argument, tell more stories that aren’t The Mad…
Damn, that’s a sick burn. Makes me love her.
this is a case of what i like to call the “Mad Men Excuse.” in short, you base a film or tv show around a perspective, group, and/or industry during a period in time in which said perspective, group and/or industry is predominately white and then give that setting as the reason your film or tv show must be…
Non-broiler chickens take 4-6 months to reach an acceptable eating size, so it doesn’t surprise me to learn that early cultures weren’t raising them in large enough numbers to make them a staple food source. Far better to let your hens live and produce ~5 eggs/week each for years than to kill them young for a single…
Chickens eat pests, and in the process are little rototillers while also providing their poo as fertilizer. Early agriculture?
They didn’t choose the thug life...
Don’t feel too bad. Mirren has said that the photo was edited and she didn’t really look like that (she was pretty annoyed about it).
I adore you, Jennifer, and I support your goals, but I’m pretty sure Helen Mirren is going to do the bikini thing before you.
Holy sweet Jesus that’s an extensive list!! You should clearly be a personal shopper.
I don’t get that either. I thought it was pretty funny - she’s engaging in some nicely self-aware mocking of the actor’s inherently superficial experience of real-life procedures, there, IMO - but I don’t expect everyone to agree.
Speaking of, I love the names of the local groups who participate in Felicia Day’s Romance book club, Vaginal Fantasy. These include Canadian Beaver Dreams, Austin Reverse Cowgirls, UK Buttered Crumpets, and San Francisco Safe Words.
I’m in a feminist book club and I call it the friendzone but no one else likes the name...
The Vagina Ideologues.