
This monster has no excuses. I’ve been abused, I know the horrible disgusting thoughts one can have regarding other people that are the same age, vulnerability, etc. that you were when you were abused, but having those terrifying thoughts and ACTING on them are completely different stuff. One can break the cycle of

My younger and only sister has Down Syndrome, stuff like this happening to her if we die is my worst nightmare.

Dunno, maybe if the color was a tiny bit brighter... but I agree with you, that silky fabric, though beautiful, is not very forgiving with technical mistakes.

I get what you say but those are choking hazards not poisoning, unless the bottle is *made* of crystal and filled with alcohol for a whole day.

I saw a documentary on the conditions of dying workers and cotton pickers in India, I really can’t find it but it was good... saw it on the consumer channel (?) or something like that. I was mostly about why fashion brands like H&M or Zara tell a half truth when they make a big deal of selling “organic cotton” pieces.

Crystal is leaded glass by definition, it could be unsafe but not so unsafe as you think.

I can confirm what wheresliz responded.

This thread made my day

I have this in black leather. Even when I made my aunt buy it, I went home, realized the horrible mistake and never wore it. Poor little tween hat :(

I understand. I was trying to maybe give another explanation to her behavior besides vanity.

A friend of mine, very young, broke, new-agey bride, had vegetable bouquets for the bridesmaids. It was a vey low cost wedding in a park so the wedding party carriying broccolis with white bows did not look out of place. I liked it. When I told her she said “Oh, those were a last minute fix, I originally wanted to

My mom, who has ALWAYS been a skinny picky eater, the kind that barely eats meat or eggs, swears she was thirsty all the time, craved tizana (think of a cross between fruit punch and a fruit salad) and watermelon, and that almost everyday she drank a milk-watercress (sometimes spinach) smoothie. She also says that she

Disclairmer: I have not read the book.

Yes, you are right and Al-Husseini was chauvinist. But Netanyahu’s argument has the intention of saying that Muslims (ARABS, MUSLIMS. All those filthy inhuman barbarians incapable of civil behavior) were ALWAYS, HISTORICALLY against jewish people, and that’s not true*. The disgusting genocide that happened in Europe

YES, on a breakUP

My english teacher in the second grade showed that one and The Parent Trap (the Richardson, Quaid and Lohan version). I fully understood them and felt so proud of myself. She’s great. Thanks for bringing back those memories!

This sounds so awesome

I admittedly know very little about make up, and seldomly apply makeup myself BUT I read this trick in XOvain and listen:

My mom said that too but only hold it when I’m outside the house... I actually think it’s a good advice (of course, I wouldn’t think so if I had dificulty breathing while doing it) not because of looking “slimmer” but because I’m not the gym type, and holding it is a way of kind-of strengthening the muscles in my