
Yeah I agree, the edits were weird, and even the CGI looked pretty awful - guess they blew this episode budget on the wolves. It really took me out of the episode, and it made that whole battle scene kind of unwatchable. My brother even commented that it looked like one of those cheap Syfy movies.

They never really did consumate the marriage (I don't know if that's really relevant here though), and she was married to Ramsay after that and it was consumated, so I guess it's just considered null?

Ah that guy was sent by Varys is that it? But why was he trying to kill her? Was sent by Robert?

Well, I don't know if it was because it was the first batman movie I saw, but Christian Bale is probably my favorite. I saw the Michael Keaton movies afterward, and I don't know, he didn't seem to have enough gravitas to be batman, he was too short, just didn't cause as much of an impact.
But I don't think Bale should

Oh ok, thanks, I guess I forgot that bit about Summer - if only they just showed the damn dogs more it would be easier to keep track.
And yeah, I had already heard about Sophie Turner adopting the dog, even saw some pictures of them.

I don't know or don't remember, what do Daenarys and Varys have to discuss? Why would she not want him in her inner circle?

Since the direwolves were mentioned, where are Ghost and Summer (thats Bran's direwolf isn't it)? Weren't the two left alive? Coudn't that just be Summer?

Except that those chains on the shelves weren't attached to the books themselves, they were just draped over them like curtains. So they just seemed to be there to add mystique to the place. So yeah, they were kind of weird.

I didn't realize how much I wanted that to happen till I read this comment

Eh, I was under the impression he left because he wanted to

Uh, interesting I never noticed there were so many categories for reality shows - goes to show my interest in the things

Yeah, I hope master of none and Atlanta sweep the comedy categories

Are those reality show categories new? Or I just never noticed them?

The Aubrey Plaza snub is a crime

Yeah, thanks, i also got that from other comments

I think it would be a great sort of epilogue to the series if they both somehow won the award - bury the feud so to speak

Actually, while i agree with your point, I'm glad to see they're being slowly taken away from the emmys - the suporting in comedy is not just the entire Modern Family cast like it was a few years ago

No she's not

Also Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady, because of the age difference (they just really liked to cast Audrey oposite much visibly older men didn't they?), but also just because the story didn't really call for it, it felt forced

Yeah, Master of None had a great season 2 IN SPITE OF that stupid forced romantic plot