
Werner Herzog and Baby Yoda is the love story we want, deserve, and need.

Let’s face the facts; deportation in most cases is bullshit, and it’s especially bullshit when the person has a green card already. The punishment for fraud shouldn’t be banishment. Who gives a shit that this guy wasn’t yet a citizen either? He’s an American, regardless of whether or not there’s a piece of paper

I don’t know, but I can tell you what this guy thinks...

Elizabeth Warren leads the polls for the first time in Iowa, and she’s now topping the polls in California too.

I remember this meme when it was Gen X and Millennials . . . 


“has been co-opted recently by women of totally socially-acceptable, skinny shapes and sizes who think the movement is just for anyone who feels good or wants to show off their armpit hair”...You guys know that Jameela has a history of eating disorders since childhood, right? And that she was severely fat-shamed by

Hazel, have you ever written anything about a woman that didn’t start with hateful sarcastic statements? I don’t see what warrants a post this long and pissy for doing something relatively innocuous. Honestly, are you okay? It's not healthy to be so bitter all the time.

One is a vagina, two are vaginii, and a large group is called a murder of vaginii.

Hillary Clinton’s sense of humor is amazing and legendary. Of course she brings up her emails, and your positing that the world has moved on from them is simply incorrect. Trump, Fox and co still bring them up all the time. And if you think we’re all going to refrain from “but her emails...” comments for every moment

When Hillary’s not there to read them, the artist should replace her with a butter sculpture because BUTTER EMAILS never, ever gets old.

It’s like being at a party where everyone has moved on to enjoying themselves

From 2002 people, 2002.

TIL that swim meets in Alaska don’t immediately give all competitors concussions upon diving in.

Yeah, you lost me at “not a great dancer.

WOW. Awful.

Can you imagine trying to catch the bouquet with those tiny arms? No wonder they died out

I was going to try and play Devil’s Advocate based on experience (hey, it counts!), but, on IMDB, Adele actually has more writing and producing credits than Peter, although her writing is primarily TV, Peter only has 3 screenplays to his credit to her 14 - so that explanation is actually NOT A THING!

Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.

Absofuckinglutely not. Hanging a big toe (the worst toe) out there, like a fat grubworm, is just asking to have wild birds attack your feet.