
Someone who calls himself Young Baller, that’s who.

worst fanfic ever.

and my grandparents at the beach, and my sister and I, living the high life.

I just can’t get into Affleck as Batman. Every time I see a pic of him in the costume, I think it’s a prank, or from a parody directed by Kevin Smith.

now I have to go and rewatch all the episodes, all three series’ worth. (we don’t talk about the last two series.)

is it just me, or does that snippet of Thomas’ dissent kind of read like he’s in favor of slavery and internment camps? this person me from 15 years ago? Because I dated a guy and didn’t find out until 8 months later that a month into our relationship, he had gotten married. Except we weren’t long-distance, he was just really good at being sneaky.

The reason is that here, the terrorists are white.

My dad was supposed to go on a diving trip to Antarctica this past March, but he changed his mind because he was afraid of my mom not being able to easily reach him. Which is sweet and all, I guess, BUT COME ON. How can you pass that up? (my mom is nowhere as dependent on him as my dad seems to think. she would’ve

Now playing

there’s this footage of all sorts of awesome behind-the-scenes stuff (this bit is about 8 minutes in):

1) Everything is Chang and nothing hurts.

I did my laundry AND put it all away. In the same day even!

Seriously! Have we learned nothing from Jaws?

All of those students are on tumblr, aren’t they?

also, how much longer do I have to wait for some ‘MISANDRY!’ gifs from this movie?

but will your guitar shoot flames?