Brigitte Nielsen AND Bonnie Tyler are his friends? I am SOLD.
Brigitte Nielsen AND Bonnie Tyler are his friends? I am SOLD.
"Will The Avengers Be One Of The Most AWESOME Movies Ever Made?"
oh, I love The Rock. Love him SO MUCH. I love him so much that I will see just about any movie of his in the theater - and yes, that includes "The Tooth Fairy" and "The Game Plan".
"Moroccan Scott" sounds like the name a '50s greaser gang would give to their swarthiest member.
I'm right on top of that, Rose!
I work in the same building as Fox News, and actually ran into him last night. He was so sweet, and when I told him how much I enjoyed the posts he'd done for Jezebel, he was absolutely delighted. A true gentleman.
oh man, your story made me tear up. It reminded me of my Molly, who was also a diabetic tuxedo.
Reminds of something that happened to Steve Yzerman, with a dad who lied about his son having cancer so he could get free tickets and other perks from the Red Wings: []
Seeing as how this was originally sung by Gary Glitter, I can't decide if it's completely appropriate, or completely inappropriate.
Seeing as how this was originally sung by Gary Glitter, I can't decide if it's completely appropriate, or completely inappropriate.
Considering that this song was originally done by Gary Glitter, I can't decide if this is completely appropriate or completely inappropriate.