Cathy Earnshaw

Ben Cardin is pretty liberal and is a reflection of the will of the people in Maryland who elected him. I voted for him. I don’t feel that he needs to be pushed any farther to the left. Other voters in the state may disagree and can vote for an elect a more liberal senator. That’s fine. I accept that. I don’t think

I would be really happy for a few dudes who have worked with Woody Allen or any of the reported abusers to weigh in and add their voices to the “Not working with this guy again” conversation. Their silence is deafening as only women appear to be called to account for it, are taking the professional hit and have to


Was that cunty dig at Jessica Chastian necessary?

Everyone should have been forced to wear orange. 1) It’s the color of safety cones and traffic jackets so it’s associated with warning of danger; and 2) Then 98% of them would look hideous. And the 2% of people who look good in orange would be our new leaders. (I know there will be a Trump joke but I said looks good.)

I just downloaded it onto my Kindle!

That last item’s different from the first two

I started it at lunch today, it’s trashy, salacious and 100% believable. That’s what makes it so fascinating.

My heart grew 3 sizes. Congrats to ‘em.

I can definitely tell you the moment I decided my husband was going to be my husband, but I can also give a list of things that could end our relationship. Relationships are hard and require a LOT of work and those issues are the things we keep working at and working through.

I mean sure, this is America, she can associate with whoever she wants. But Tucker Max is, at a minimum, a rapist apologist - and likely quite a bit more than that.

Yeah, I would think any woman with an ounce of self-respect having her work claimed by Tucker Max would be news on Jez. Max is a sociopath who probably believes he can make up for years and years of sexist and racist garbage by claiming association with Haddish. It’s not Haddish’s fault a fucking monster creep is

If Amy Schumer had chosen him as a ghost writer/co-author you really don’t think Jez would be having a field day with this?

i don’t know, the fact that he’s now making her book all about himself? that’s definitely something. 

When done properly, amoral audacity is hilarious (just look at the Marx Brothers movies)

“I didn’t live her life and I’m not a black woman—although wouldn’t that be amazing”

man I wish I could get drunk and weave all day, that sounds like a great time.

Yep. I wasn’t necessarily surprised that Salma, a woman from an extremely wealthy Mexican Lebanese family, was dismissive of a Black woman’s viewpoint. She said a few things over the years that made me think she wasn’t exactly great on class and race, although to be fair (and depressing) she was still better than most

she didn’t “do” anything to Williams. They had a publicized conversation at a Women of Hollywood luncheon about what women deal with in their day-to-day lives. Hayak didn’t understand Williams’ point of view as a black woman and compared it to her own point-of-view as a latino woman. Williams was a tad frustrated, and