Cathy Earnshaw

Calling Sally “the love of his life” is a very romanticized and revisionist way of looking at things. He never gave her her freedom (and only freed their children together in his will, not during his lifetime) and he never publicly acknowledged her.

What the fuck even is this comment? Was your sister under the impression that she was the only “college educated” person in Virginia?

SJP is for sure a good egg.

“Two days after responding to the attack in Charlotteville, Virginia that left one dead and numerous people injured...”

“If Chelsea Manning’s fans think that taking a pic of her in a public space is too invasive they’ll be shocked when they hear abt WikiLeaks!”

whooooops, right you are! this is what I get for skimming articles.

Just FYI, I have this exact suit in black from Modcloth and sadly it is not very supportive in the chest—it covers everything, but it doesn’t provide much in the way of lift or separation. Looks amazing when I’m standing still though!

She looks radiant and happy. Oh, what could have been *sighhhhhhhhhh*

Yeah they run very, very small in my experience. I have one in black and it’s super flattering but unfortunately it doesn’t effectively wrangle my boobs so I almost never wear it. I’m quite busty though, I imagine most people wouldn’t have that problem.

I’m pretty sure I have the same one in black, from Modcloth. It looks super cute when I’m standing still, but unfortunately it doesn’t effectively wrangle my boobs (although I am very busty, I imagine it would be just fine for most people).

I’m pretty sure that the woman who plays Tammy is Lynch’s new boo, so that may explain some things....

So, so scary. He totally goes out of his way to push her, and even though I can’t see his head right after that it looks like he turns around and sees her head falling directly under the wheel of an uncoming bus and then jugs jogs on nonchalantly (and then apparently circles back later?) I really hope they catch this

Yeah that was some excellent, excellent driving. She is incredibly lucky to be alive, that bus was inches from driving over her head.

She is so incredibly entitled and is on a total power trip. I doubt they will do it, but I would love for them to go in a “Mad Queen” direction with her. The Targaryens ruled Westeros for ages and did a generally pretty shitty job of it, it would be such a disappointment to see them back on the Iron Throne again in

I dunno man, I generally agree with you about the outrage bandwagon and if this were an isolated incident I might agree, but I can’t help but side eye the heck out of them because they’ve done this more than once. I don’t think that the fact that they travel a lot lets them off the hook here, because they’re

Gawd I loved that show. Wasn’t his name like, Bright or something?


I did snort-laugh at “blessed be the emoji” because it’s just TOO ridiculous.

That’s really interesting! When I first saw that shot I thought it looked nice enough, but after I read your comment I scrolled back up and imagined actually *walking* on it and started to feel kinda dizzy.