Cathy Earnshaw

I am getting married around Christmastime, and I think for my bachelorette party my bridesmaids and I are going to go for a nice dinner (where I will likely have a few more cocktails than I usually allow myself) and then to see the Nutcracker. I am a dork, but luckily so are my girls and I doubt any of them will miss

Right, but it her resistance to fire + her connection with dragons seem to be evidence of her Targaryen blood— although that could be a misdirect I guess?

Wait, what? I haven’t read the books in a while but I don’t remember anything like that being implied.

Yeah she is not good. So very beautiful, so very one-note. To be fair, Dany is not a very well written character either in the books or on the show, it would take a skilled actress to bring gravitas to the role. The whole “beautiful princess chosen one” thing is such a tired trope, and it’s never really explained why

I agree completely. I actually stopped watching GOT because the violence (especially sexual violence) started to feel totally gratuitous, but in Westworld I felt that the intense violence was a totally necessary part of the storytelling.

Pretty sure that banana and tabasco has toppled the previous reigning champ of “grossest sandwich I’ve ever heard of,” peanut butter and avocado, which someone ordered this in front of me when I was in line at my fave sandwich place years ago (the cashier and I made horrified eye contact over the person’s head) and

My parents had their living room painted a sort of golden-yellow-orange color (similar to the one on the right) for a while, and it was really nice, bright and rich.

Good lord y’all, moving is so exhausting! I have lived in the same small city pretty much my whole life, and am currently packing up the apartment I’ve lived in with my fiancé for the last three years so we can move to a major metropolitan area about 3 hours away. I’ve moved apartments a few times before, but I’ve

Yeah...I fail to see why anyone gets upset about hijabs, as it was traditional for women, especially married women, to cover their hair in much of the world for hundreds of years (it’s why a lot of older women still wear hats to church). I feel pretty differently about niqabs and burqas, especially for young girls.

Jimmy is a such a mensch.

wow that shot looks v. toddlers and tiaras.

Cricket is THE BEST, I got a subscription for my little cousin a few years back and she loved it, although I think she’s a little old for it now. I found like 20 of them from the 70's (I didn’t even know the publication was that old!) in a thrift store once and bought all of them. The illustrations and stories are so

I do not watch this show but I’ve been binge watching UnReal and based on this it seems like it is very accurate (btw I just finished season 2 of and made the horrifying discovery that that’s ALL THERE IS UNTIL 2018 and I’m so distressed.)

I wish I was able to have this kind of attitude about my old journals, because really it is just sweet and funny the kinds of things we obsess over, but I always find them so beyond mortifying that I end up destroying them! I am moving and just found a journal that I kept from like 17-18 ish and ohhhhh my

that is SO SO adorable.

How cool! I love Black-ish, and Yara Shahidi is such a delight, I’m glad she’s getting her own show, and how great that Kara will be contributing. Looking forward to watching!

Oh! She has always been on my Irrational Hate List, so thank you for rationalizing it for me.

I mean, it’s just too much. Everybody has the right to demand courtesy and respect from those around them, obviously. I would never dream of purposely misgendering someone, and I strive to treat everyone with compassion and in a way that makes them feel comfortable. Everyone should act however they like wrt gender