Cathy Creswell

That’s hilarious. Youngest daughter developed some self defense moves to use when “the glare of death” didn’t work. Pinching the skin on the forearm was one of them. One day she smacked some guy with her backpack. His mom thanked her and said her son probably deserved it. I let my girls know that fighting back is

Thank you. Your support means something to me. The poster who commented that hitting him in the balls was the wrong thing because it was too harsh a punishment after she initially went along with the ass grabbing by not fighting back. Could you address that part. I really need your input. Thanks.

Wow. I have felt this way. There’s one set of rules for males, another for females. Even retaliating many slaps on the ass has rules.

What the hell is wrong with Yoffe? Does she view herself an investigative journalist? A warrior for social justice? She is a traitor to her gender.

From fb comments:

Jeez, dude. Why didn’t you just tell us you don’t know?

OK, let me explain how this happened to y’all. She wears the hair tie, the glitter is really itchy and scratchy. She takes it off. Maybe it falls on the bathroom floor, maybe the bath sink counter is germy. It picks up the bacteria, and it goes into the small cuts the glitter makes in her wrist, from wearing it all

Religious ideology. Because, bible. And they force all the rest to comply with their beliefs.

What did you donate, money?

Really. I wonder how many ex employees they interviewed before they found her. She is unfortunately what antiabortionists want to hear from.

Thats the first time I made the connection of him playing an obstetrician and being a major, law breaking perv. UCK!!!!

His "Little Bill" was used as an educational tool for too many young girls.

we are both old then.

its coming out now because a comic stated in his standup routine that Cosby is a rapist. The video went viral. It isn't about race. It's about a famous privileged man getting away with serial rape. The victims came out back in the 90's. It's just finally getting the attention it deserves.

Well, I for one admire his speaking out. He doesn't strike me as playing the victim here. He has tried to make a fair and balanced take (his take) on events. He does NOT state emphatically that his being pro gay marriage got him fired. He is just putting it out there that it might have played a role. It will invite

Major ROFLMAO!!!

Wait, don't you mean PAT robertson?? The tv preacher?

I've been doing this for decades. I am a lazy cheapskate who hates to go back for more ketchup, so I fan fold out the little cup and fill 'er up! I should have posted it online somewhere as a brilliant idea, then I'd be famous and cheap at the same time.

I am laughing so hard at your comment. Thank you!