Untitled Clint Howard Project

I don't know if it's so simple as "being true to himself", as it is being rewarded and appreciated for his skills. Jimmy wouldn't have developed those skills without thinking that he wasn't going to be accepted in the "straight" world. I suspect we're going to get a lot more backstory about his family life that

"The only time Jimmy ever worked hard is when he started living to please Chuck"

I think you missed the point of the Cicero bit though. It wasn't about being Slippin' Jimmy, it was about being with Marco who actually likes him and respects his abilities. Jimmy's relationship with Marco is the one he wished he could have with his brother.

I don't claim to be speaking for the creators or anything, but I'm 99% certain that that is not the intended reading.

12 Monkeys crossover!

They said she died last week, so not necessarily more than 7 days ago.

It explains why Star Labs hasn't been shut down despite the fact that they never seem to do any paid work.

I totally believe Snart's assertion that only steals stuff for the thrills, especially now that he has access to A GUN THAT SHOOTS GOLD.

My theory is that they're purposefully ruining Felicity to increase Laurel's relative coolness. It may take awhile.

On the last two points:
- Jump cuts are an established style on this show. I find it more distracting when they go nuts switching angles (like during Chayton's hunting scene last episode).
- Most people (especially Irish ones) would call that the *correct* spelling.

Clara had already chosen to leave at the end of last season. The point of the original ending was that The Doctor visited her only because she was attacked by the crab thingy, which happened when she was much older. It was an excuse to get in one last Clara episode in and resolve her character a bit better than the

That's telling us they have a close relationship… we weren't really shown it much though.

The simple explanation for why the final villain had to be female is that Kuvira was a mirror for Korra. I'm sure they could have set it up as Korra beating up her evil doppelganger, but that would have missed the point. It was about Korra using what she's learned throughout the series to talk down a villain that

They should have saved a segment for Missy to confront Austin about designing the see-saw ankle breaker machine. Wicked step mother vs. make a wish kid!!!

Jimmy needed a lawyer so he instantly agreed to sell his hands?

As far as the larger story arc for this particular season, I agree that Neal got shortchanged on resolution. That entire NSA storyline seemed to be Sorkin (probably reacting to criticism) trying to do a good internet-related story and then dropping it ASAP because he had to resolve the core characters' relationships

No, I noted that over a third of the review is devoted to eulogizing Neal - who, by any estimation, was a minor character in the show. Yes, it might have been nice if he was a more significant character and Sorkin had dealt with the internet's role in journalism less dismissively than he did… but that's not the show

"No, seriously, did no one think about going and giving Neal a hug? Anything? Anyone?"

I'm starting to think that Alec has a third ear in the back of his throat. All those shots of him with his mouth agape are because he's listening really hard.

Jon comments as he left tribal made it seem like he thought the blindside was Keith's idea. I don't think he has any idea how much Nat played him.