Untitled Clint Howard Project

"Goodbye Samcro pro wrestler dude… I'll miss you most of all. Before you joined, we had to dig all those shallow graves ourselves."

I'm pretty certain Reverse Flash is future Eddie, since present Eddie is already suspicious of The Flash and is ripe for having his girlfriend dump him for Barry. All the melodramatic pieces are in place to create an arch-nemesis… who then travels back in time to mess with Barry.

Future Barry Allen.

It's not really accurate. The episode was pretty terrible regardless, but the point of the rape storyline has been willfully misinterpreted in the worst possible light to fit with the "Sorkin hates women" narrative. It's really more about the "Sorkin hates the internet / new media / tabloid journalism" narrative.

The episode made it clear that the head of the network wanted a live confrontation in the studio, and Charlie made a not-at-all-veiled threat that Don was to obey that directive or be fired. Don's decision was presented as between doing it as trainwreck "reality" television or not at all, with no wiggle room.

Don wasn't cautioning her against being on a live newscast, but about being in a live confrontation with her alleged rapist. It wasn't about telling her to shut up at all, it was about having some ability to shape the outcome (which, as a producer, is his job to think about).

That would tick the "shot of Charlie Hunnam's ass" box too.

"Oh awesome! Sooooo… which one is Beth again?"

Remember how they made a huge deal out of waiting for multiple confirmed sources before reporting on the Boston Bombings? They sacrificed being first with the story for the sake of accuracy, i.e. they showed what that (constantly repeated) point looks like in practice.

That's why the Jim/Hallie argument keeps going back to the incentives based on clicks. It's the old argument of whether news should be driven by what the public needs to know versus ratings. Sorkin's argument (which is journalistically valid) is against the structures constructed around monetizing new media and the

“I’m gonna poke it with a stick.”
"Why would you do that?"

They really need to develop some of the supporting cast ASAP.. I don't have anything against Angélica Celaya, but Zed is just not working for me… and the puppy dog eye thing she does whenever John is being mean is kind of annoying. If this secret she has helps her be a bit more active as a character, then they need

If Missy goes, then Baylor will be the most loyal goat ever for Nat.

They're the only real players left at least. The couples thing really seems to kill people's motivation to play the game properly.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure that it's a rule for the editors that every shot of Keith must include spitting. I have no doubt that he's giving them a lot of options though.

The easiest path for that evolution is to assume everyone else is an idiot regardless of gender. I call it "mesplaining".

The other important thing missing is whether it was two entirely separate plans there (the group of 4 cannibalizing Reed + the group of 6 cannibalizing Jeremy) or whether there was some crossover. The fact that Reed voted Jeremy and that Keith felt confident enough to not play his idol proves that there was crossover

I have no doubt the club will survive, but not Jax. They can give Jax enough time to take care of Gemma, then the other charters should be voting Jax's execution… and they should probably knock off Abel and the other kid too just to be safe.

At least Jarry has the excuse that no one tells her anything and she's busy fucking Chibs. Every relevant bit of information has fallen into Unser's lap all season and Chibs isn't grinding on said lap.

One lingering question I had after this episode:
Did Unser figure out who killed Tara yet? Because, if he has to be told, then he is officially the worst detective ever (especially given the range info he had that no one else did).