
That's good.
One thing I remeber most was Pat's attitude.
"Which bathroom do you use?"
"The one that's closest!"

oh well the movie, I never saw. As someone who is Intersex, the sketch was a source of ceaseless inspiration. To Hell with the squares!

The humor comes the others' confusion, as Pat doesn't care!

Yes, if you make it look like an electrical thing.

My guess: debtor's prisons

Were tips merely shitty or totally fucked-up?

It will happen very close to the end of our lifetimes

Ah, you ruined it!

2030: "Descended from Haile Selassie"


I thought the character was Ms Teak, based on the wooden performance.

"They know."

take everything way too seriously and just drain all the humor and fun out of every conversation
the A.V. Club

"Both sides do it."

That's true. I read it on the internet.

Isn't it spelled with 'e'?

I've seen the future baby, it is murder

Yeah, well that's just, like, your opinion, man

Clowny daggers, y'all!

Replaceable parts!