
The funniest Carson I ever saw was CNR describing a dinner party he held once where he dumped a box of rice into the entree dish he was making and realized it was full of ants, so he skimmed up as many as he could while the dish was boiling and then added lots of pepper. Carson and the studio audience were rolling on

They got it right, so much so that it was painful to watch — I spent more than a week in hospital with a badly broken leg and this episode showed what this is really like. The night of crying was one of my experiences too, as was the awkward meetings with family, the doctors talking over you, the despair and

Sorry, but I found the first episode cliched and hackneyed— another show based on script-writer wish-fulfillment — ie, the lovable loser who gambles away everything he earns and can't afford his own apartment but every woman he meets immediately wants to sleep with him. Oh, sure, women today are just standing in