Cath Fryer

I kind of feel like you're taking the piss right now. I've never heard it referred to as cool drink

I went to school in the 70's and 80's, in three different states and they were bubblers in all of them. Maybe it fell out of fashion?

We actually do call them bubblers here in Australia also

We don't have pop in Australia. We call it soft drink down here

Thank you! That whole scene was so off and so distracting and yours is the first mention I've seen made of it. I know Lynch makes interesting choices in relation to acting and editing but that was too weird. I couldn't have cared less about whatever was actually going on in that scene because I was far too busy

Am I the only person who found the acting and editing choices in the scene with Audrey and Charlie dreadful? I couldn't focus on what was actually going on long enough to care because all I could think about was how dreadful the acting from both of them was, how odd to have edited it together to deliberately look

When he said, "Sometimes I worry about you", I actually burst into tears.

As a frequently wine drunk aunt, I resent the implication that I would ever approve of the chicken dance

Regarding the power socket, that was also automatically the association I made. I was actually expecting something further to happen and was slightly disappointed that it didn't

Every day I tell myself I'm only using the internet from now on to find recipes and animal videos, because everything else is doing my head in. And yet, here I am…

Do you think Meyers misses the SNL days, when such ludicrousness was scripted and intentional?

What is it about some names? I read Miles Teller and click the link because it feels like he's somebody whose career I am extremely familiar with then I see his picture and, nope I don't recognise this person

After being subjected to the tedium of the Decameron, Bocaccio can go fuck himself

I spent the entire scene just wondering why they didn't have a decent broom. I'm pretty sure Reynauld can afford one.

Regarding that last point. If you're asking because you are thinking of executing some sort of crime, I wouldn't rely on that to be a given. If you've already executed said crime, you're about to find out, I guess (unless your lawyer gets you off)

Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes. I've wondered obsessively what she would ultimately be like as a consequence of reading that. Lynch hasn't disappointed me

The most frustrating bit about the extended scene in the Bang Bang Bar for me was just thinking the whole time, "Why don't they get that poor guy a decent broom?"

As as Australian, I'm fairly certain that if 'doggo' was going to be a slang term for anything, it would be a sexual position. As far as I'm aware though, it's not

"He’s somehow able to get through his average day without looking too stupid…"

The ones that sit in the overtaking lane doing ten under the speed limit with their nose in the air like there's a big shit under it