
I judge Cersei less harshly as well. At times, I have even pitied her.

I think she was just stating fact to gauge his reaction.

No it didn't need to be avenged. But Ellaria and Cersei don't think like you and I. I think the issue here is that people are expecting these two psycho women to think like normal people.

In some cases I do have sympathy for Cersei, just not in this particular case.

No, I didn't understand that that was what you were saying…since you didn't say it.

Do you think Missandei lists the titles without Dany's approval?

Yes they are. I am from the mountains and would have to march over mountains to get anywhere else. They are from the desert and would have to march through the desert to leave Dorne.

They would have to march through desert.

Do you really believe that makes a difference to Ellaria or Cersei? All they want is revenge for their loved ones.

How will the Dornish get to battle? Euron burned the ships.

True, even in her evil, there are times I feel sympathy for Cersei. This makes her a more complex and interesting character that Dany.

He wants to sit on a throne with her. That is his motivation.

All Cersei or Ellaria care about is that their daughter was killed. Fairness and reasons have no meaning for them.

I agree. But Cersei and Ellaria make no such distinctions. They do not care about fairness and reasons. To them, their daughter was's that simple.

The reviewer said " do we feel sympathy for Ellaria when Cersei murders her daughter, given that she murdered Myrcella for no good reason?" Ellaria did have a good reason to murder Myrcella. The reason was revenge for the killing of Oberyn Martell.

Back when William first moved in with Randall, he told Randall to sit down and he would tell him about his mother.

The episode was called What Now?

Does the reviewer even watch the show? It's Sloane, not Simone. And, if this is all you got out of the scenes with Jack and Rebecca's parents you don't understand what is going on. And we Have met both their parents before. You said that Jack's story was uneventful. Are you kidding? The man subjugated himself to an