I’m willing to bet one million spacebucks that in his six pages of blaming women and saying that they “shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to give birth”, not once does he say the same thing about men.
I’m willing to bet one million spacebucks that in his six pages of blaming women and saying that they “shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to give birth”, not once does he say the same thing about men.
Nope, don’t like this. 13 is a pretty good life span for a dog, and unfortunately it’s not THAT uncommon for cats to unexpectedly pass away. Happened to my beloved Chester who died suddenly at 5 years old, even though he had seemingly always been in perfect health. Lots of cats live with undiagnosed heart murmurs…
I wasn’t raised Catholic and am pretty ignorant about Catholicism in general, but I went to the Vatican a few years ago while on vacation in Rome, and could NOT BELIEVE the opulence. Our tour ended at St Peter’s Basilica and I was thoroughly disgusted by the end. The Sistine Chapel was pretty sick, tho
While on the one hand I totally agree with you (sober almost 4 years), I interpreted her statement a little differently. Addiction (alcoholism, in my case) is a progressive disease, and even if you abstain for years, if you pick up again then you’re right back where you left off. I know that if I started drinking…
My guess is that it’s a Trump-esque licensing situation where an actual builder/hotelier/someone who knows wtf they are doing owns and operates the resort, and they pay her a bunch of money to use her name and have her show up from time to time to mingle with the plebes
I worked at the NTSB for 3 and a half years and don’t get me wrong, I loved working there but I don’t think there is any other place on the planet with such a high concentration of awkward nerds with zero social skills. My god, what I would give to be in the room when they put that tweet together.
I’m surprised I didn’t see spiranolactone mentioned anywhere in this article. It’s the ONLY thing that has gotten my hormonal adult acne under control, and I’ve tried pretty much everything. I still get pimples from time to time, but they’re usually one-offs (as opposed to cluster breakouts) and don’t get nearly as…
thank you SO MUCH for this comment - I just ended a year-long relationship on Saturday and I relate to this 100%. A few months ago we both renewed our (individual) leases and I was so relieved when he told me he signed his because I was TERRIFIED he was going to ask me to move in together. Big red flag! So I broke up…
Wow, I can’t wait to read this book and this is so timely because I just ended a year-long relationship over the weekend and I’m really struggling with it. He is a lovely, sweet, kind person who I love but I just did not see the relationship progressing any further (like I had zero desire to move in with him and I…
I always get so infuriated whenever someone makes an “apology” for doing something shitty and says they “apologize for the pain, sadness and fear this has caused” (or better yet, when they qualify it with “any” instead of “the”). Don’t apologize for the outcome, apologize for what you did. If someone did something…
Every time I watched an episode, I couldn’t help but wonder: WTF does that slogan even mean?! Had no idea it was a reference to a book. I feel so much lighter.
this lady is a piece of shit terrorist, but she didn’t kill anyone (I’m not defending her, just suggesting you maybe find a different example?)
I honestly think that even if/when Mueller does prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, a LARGE portion of Trump’s supporters are going to choose to believe it’s just “fake news” or whatever
oh my god but the Manson series is THE BEST ONE!!!!!!!!!
I still have a savings account attached to my checking that I named “f*ck off fund” (didn’t want to offend anyone at the bank) because of this article!
Not a lawyer, but my understanding is that “pay to play” is not illegal, just highly unethical and so generally avoided by non-corrupt politicians.
Guess what - you can be a loving father, successful businessman, and upright member of the community and still be a rapist. Have we learned nothing from Bill Cosby?
I buy this, 100%. Did you see the news footage from his arraignment? He was in a wheelchair and acting like a frail old man, barely speaking above a hoarse whisper and acting like he couldn’t understand what was going on. I read an article this morning that said (I believe it was a quote from zaddy Paul Holes) he is a…
I’ve never seen anyone spell it as “toats” before and for some reason I think it’s so fucking cute and I am going to spell it that way for the rest of my life
Don’t forget about Ghost World!!