
I also love going to the movies by myself, but THIS MOVIE seems like one you definitely need to see with some buddies.

OF COURSE they don’t have nice things to say about her. She’s accusing their friend of domestic violence, why would they have nice things to say about her? And of course there is a CHANCE she is not innocent, she’s making it all up, but I think that chance is way way WAY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY smaller than him simply being

OK, even if that were the case, it’s still an elaborate scheme. I don’t know why you’re so hell bent on this idea that she’s trying to get money out him? Like, yes, I agree with you that they both may be terrible people. But why is it so out of your realm of comprehension that she may, in fact, be entirely innocent?

Yeah, it’s a lot of fun up until the very end, with the dumb anal sex joke. That totally ruined it for me!

Can’t wait for all the mouth breathers to protest this on account of “a woman can’t direct Bond because they don’t understand what it’s like to be a man” - oh like you mean how men have been directing women since the dawn of time (film)?

Yeah, I mean sure, she could have faked text convos two years ago with the intention of using them as fodder for abuse accusations down the road. But let’s be real, what is more likely: that she spent years setting up this elaborate take down attempt, knowing full well that she would be called a liar, golddigger etc

I don't think it was that he fell off the wagon after him and Vanessa split, so much as she split BECAUSE he fell off the wagon.

Does yours change in light of the text messages from back in 2014?

holy shit I have always considered myself a ravenclaw and I am 100000% a kinky nerd I am having an identity crisis now

anecdote time! My cousin is a flight attendant for Virgin and does the first class cabins so she has tons of amazing stories about celebs (Gordon Ramsay is a cheeky flirt, Richard Dreyfuss is super nice, Kings of Leon are douches) and she said Keira consumed nothing but champagne for the entire flight and is very


eh, I don’t buy it. Seems like a lot of unnecessary work to do on her end, especially considering she is already rich AF

So if they didn't have a pre-nup, why would she make this up? Wouldn't she get half regardless?

Has it really become “dear Amber, we’re all standing with you”, though?? Because everything I have seen is calling her a liar and saying she’s making it up.

You misunderstand. I don't care to know why you think a movie - that hasn't come out yet, that you haven't seen - is bad. I DO care to reply to your comments in order to call you an idiot. Idiot.

How do you distinguish a “good” remake vs a “bad” one, and how have you decided that the GB remake is a bad one when it hasn’t even come out yet? This is a rhetorical question because 1. I’m honestly not really interested 2. just tryna point out that you’re really going out of your way to prove that your preemptive

Sure. So by that logic, I assume you also got equally upset about Oceans 11, Point Break, 3:10 to Yuma, Bad News Bears, Annie, The Omen.... etc to infinity

Didn’t you already say that you were mad because they were "throwing out" the original story? Which is it?

Damn, really tempted to buy one of those mattresses as I am moving in a few weeks and going through that “everything I own is garbage and needs to be replaced” phase. But I am going to exercise some self control and wait until it makes more financial sense. So what I’m saying is KEEP THOSE MATTRESS POSTS COMING

Damn, really tempted to buy one of those mattresses as I am moving in a few weeks and going through that “everything

I used to live on Belmont Rd NW! In a dingy, kind of dark English basement, BUT STILL