To spare all of us from watching this debacle, I’m just gonna drop the advance footage of the debate here:
To spare all of us from watching this debacle, I’m just gonna drop the advance footage of the debate here:
Good on Bloomie. Now, let’s hope that the 32,000 actually VOTE...
Y’all know good and got damb well she smeared those books herself and put the pics on Twitter to drum up publicity and sales. Stop playing.
Neither does he. In a lame attempt at appearing hip, cool and woke, he threw out a current term (that he’s seen on the innanets) in its improper context because he’s a clueless hack.
Wow, and I thought it was only Serena who aroused his ire...
Not surprising. My son and I participated in a “get-out-the-vote” demonstration a couple weeks ago. A group of us were standing peacefully on the corner of a busy street holding our signs. A car full of Orange Kool-aid drinkers drove by and threw a beer can at us. Several more drove by shouting obscenities and…
Wow! So sad.... I grew up listening to their music. Best of My Love and Don’t Ask My Neighbor were my faves.
“Bron and I looked eye-to-eye, but he didn’t move...”
This is not surprising in the least. Bitch McTurtle is a hypocrite’s hypocrite.
Yes, that’s the first thing I thought about. I hope she can get some type of security. She definitely has to watch her back. Good on her for doing what is right.
You would think that these people would learn from the Susan Smith fiasco in the 80's. *smh*
I was a census worker in 2010. On one occasion I went to a white woman’s house and she flat out told me, “If you were a *man I would not have opened the door.”
This is an excellent program and needs to be implemented nationwide. Police are not needed for every 911 call. Imagine how many lives this program will not only help, but save.
Seriously, I hope dude had enough sense to collect payment upfront.
This doesn’t surprise me at all. Off the top of my head, I know 2 black women (a neighbor and a former friend) who support Orange Marmalade. They are both anti-abortion, so that, above all other factors, drives their decision-making. When I pointed out that Mango Minute Man himself is not anti-abortion and has paid…