
Ms. Butler is one of my all time favorite authors. I saw her once in the 90's at an author’s workshop. Her speaking voice was rich and mesmerizing. She had such presence. I was in awe the entire time. I’m thankful for her unique talent and legacy.


I’ve restrained people before. Big people, smaller people’s whose rage made them feel bigger, etc. I have never, in life, killed anyone. I’m not a cop, so what kind of training are they receiving that they can’t restrain someone without killing them?

The cops KNEW this man was in mental distress BEFORE THEY GOT THERE! This is the perfect case for sending a social worker/mental health professional to the scene. I mean damn, how is a naked man with his hands cuffed behind his back laying in the snow a threat to anyone? Mr. Prude should still be alive, and getting

My God, it’s obvious that Mr. Taylor was having some type of mental health crisis and was acting out. If he wanted to steal the bat and the tent he would’ve left the store and not waited for the police. This is a perfect example of where sending a social worker/mental health professional would’ve facilitated a better would have been abundantly clear WHEN THEY REMOVED THE BULLET FROM HIS THIGH that it was a police round.

Taylor family attorney Ben Crump,

I read about this yesterday.

Yeah, I wish she would’ve let it go and moved on. She is very talented and beautiful, and could’ve been successful in her own right. But, from what I’ve heard she was black-balled by Mr. Entanglement. Don’t know how much truth there is to that but I wouldn’t put it past him.

“A hit dog will holler.”
-Ancient ursher board proverb.

The LPD keeps digging themselves deeper and deeper into that corrupt hole. I hope their asses never climb out and rot in there. Fuck them.

1. Kammy committed straight up BLASPHEMY.

He meant so much to so many. I will always have the memory of taking my son to see “42" and then to see “Black Panther” and how Chadwick and both of those films made huge impressions on him.

Wow! Just... damn....

Just a wild guess, but I’m sure these are the same people who are vehemently against allowing a teenager to get an abortion or access birth control without her parents’ consent.

I’ve heard rumors that off-camera she is disdainful/openly contemptuous of Orange Rot.

Stephen, I am also “some.”