Well, at least Hallie didn’t marry Hunter and have kids with him like Randy Jackson’s ex-wife. Her kids with Randy and her kids with Jermaine are each others’ siblings AND cousins.
This will get a lot of attention from Clockwork Orange because the suspect is a Muslim. All this will do is feed his narrative and he will use it to fire up his base and justify his anti-immigration stance against people not from Norway.
The issue is that she felt ENTITLED to hold up an aircraft with passengers and crew for something they were not in a position to promise.
WT entire F was this chick on?
Airlines and buses and trains have procedures and parameters in place to carry unaccompanied minors. Ride share compnanies do not. Most likely because it’s a relatively new industry. Who knows, maybe they will in the future.
Never fear. The other old geezer on the Democratic side officially announced his candidacy today. So if Bernie crashes and berns (see what I did there?) Uncle Joe will step right in to rep for the geriatric crew.
I would by that T-shirt.
Great article.
Unpopular opinion alert.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Social media will be the downfall of humanity as we know it.
OMG how many more people can this clown car hold?
I’m not a proponent of the death penalty, but sometimes i feel like
And THIS is the reason I don’t fool with any geneolgy companies. I refuse to give them my DNA and have it floating around. I don’t trust them. I keep thinking about the Tuskegee experiment and Henrietta Lacks. Nope.
Great piece. I’m tired of black people being conveniently skapegoated when white people screw up. And usually it’s black people (black women in particular) who end up coming behind them to clean up the mess.
This clown saw eight black women in the parking lot at night and just assumed that they were up to no good and decided to “investigate.” What a jerk.
Now this is a stellar example of giving back to your community. Good on LeBron for using what he has been blessed with to bless others.