Um... The majority of serial killers and mass shooters in U.S. history to date have been white males.
Um... The majority of serial killers and mass shooters in U.S. history to date have been white males.
By your logic, if you take into account the numerous white men who are serial killers and mass shooters (whose vicitims are overwhelmingly white), then yall don’t care about yalls own damn self. Stop it with the straw men and false equivalencies.
Call me a pessimist, or Debbie Downer or what have you, but the first thing that comes to mind when I hear talk of reparations is, Are we ready for the fallout that will happen if we get them? Not the “who’s really black and who really deserves reparations” fallout, but the “now that we done paid you Negroes, go…
While your comment is on point, I’m starring you just on your screen name alone.
Seriously, this is not a big deal. When I worked in Corporate America I code- switched every day, several times a day. It was a “requirement” for my career survival. Anyone who has worked in a corporate environment knows this.
I guess I’ll start saving my coins now. I wear Addidas anyway, so I know I’ll want to rock some of the gear that comes from this new line.
Pastor Carpenter be like
Yeah, it galls me when people attempt to equate being accused to being lynched. That’s flat out disrespectful and manipulative. This BS started with Uncle Clarence claiming he was a victim of a “high tech lynching” during his confirmation hearings.
So am I the only one who wonders how someone can fill up an ENTIRE BOOK with stories recounting how Cheater in Chief cheats at golf?
He is a pig.
There aren’t enough stars to give you for this.
Wow. I see right wing ignornance isn’t just a problem in the U.S.
OMG. I thought it was just me. I had to force myself to finish it, and then I was like, “Dang, this is it?” I felt the exact same way when I read The Catcher in the Rye. I get that Catcher was a study in teen angst, and I most likely wasn’t Salinger’s target demographic, but still... I was expecting more.
“Also, fuck Rahm Emanuel and his fake outrage!”
I dunno... Ben Carson is pretty vapid as well. I can’t call it.
The Assistant States Attorney Joe Magats thinks Smollett is guilty, and says droppng the charges does not exonerate him. He dropped the charges because he didn’t feel the case was worth prosecuting. He said his office focuses on violent crimes and “drivers of violent crimes,” and Smollett’s case didn’t fit that…
I wonder how much overlap there would be in a Venn diagram of the two documents.