Also, Cohen, IQ45's former “fixer,” admitted to violating campaign finance laws as fraudulent campaign contributions were used to make the payoffs. Get this clown OUT of office already. Just seeing his face on the news raises my blood pessure.
Also, Cohen, IQ45's former “fixer,” admitted to violating campaign finance laws as fraudulent campaign contributions were used to make the payoffs. Get this clown OUT of office already. Just seeing his face on the news raises my blood pessure.
And let’s not forget the disrespect Clockwork Orange heaped upon Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the brown parents of the brown soilder who died during his military service to this country.
Welp. The White House just pulled Jim Acosta’s press pass.
Wait... WHAT??!!! There’s only a 55k difference, and DeRacist didn’t even get 50% of the vote! Have all the absentee ballots been counted yet? Gillum gave up way too soon. Damn...
So ya’ll not gonna talk about how IQ45 talked to April Ryan like she was a small child and told her to “sit down?”*
And this is exactly what will happen. Whittaker has said that the Mueller investigation is “going too far” and he is a Cult45 loyalist. He is going to undercut and sabotage Mueller at every turn.
I agree with this. Which is why I couldn’t teach middle or high school. I don’t have the temperament, and would make headlines for kicking some smart-mouthed kid’s arse if they tried that with me.
“For me, I am unapologetically black. There ain’t negotiating here. You look at me and you see a black man—a real black man. And when I say real, I don’t mean it as if he’s not. I’m dark-skinned black. I don’t have the luxury of attempting to weave that any differently than what it is.”
Yep. At some point you would think they would realize that a tiger doesn’t change its stripes. ESPN did this same BS a while back when they brought Rush Limbaugh to their network, then acted all shocked (SHOCKED) when he showed his entire extra wide arse during a broadcast, trying to shade black quarterbacks.
Wow!!!! They should’ve locked this fool up and thrown away the key a loooooong time ago.
“As a black woman who speaks both Spanish and Portuguese, I always make it a point to speak in both languages to those whose native tongue it suits.”
That looks like it was already eaten and enjoyed the experience so much it came back to ride again.
Mother: Bish, how you gonna leave my baby on a doorstep, ring the doorbell and run off?!!! WTF wrong with you?
If these white women have such a problem with black people living around them, then WHY THE HECK DO THEY LIVE IN DETROIT?!!!
In case anyone cares, Brick and Brack were fighting over Kirstjen Neilsen’s (you know, the Homeland Security Secretary who didn’t know that Norway was full of white people) job performance.
If you were to create a top ten list of the all time great black poems by poets that you don’t know personally, it would be incomplete (I daresay, blasphemous) without “Ego Tripping” by Nikki Giavonni:
Yep, me too. The little girl crying , “She’s lying on us!” just hurt me deep down in my soul. I couldn’t make it through the rest of the video and have not tried again since. That delusional dipwad needs to be brought up on child cruelty charges.