It would not surprise me one bit if this lying heaux ass lying ass liar was a plant by right wing extremists to try and discredit the #metoo movement.
It would not surprise me one bit if this lying heaux ass lying ass liar was a plant by right wing extremists to try and discredit the #metoo movement.
YES!!! This is next-level voyeurism on a world stage.
I starred you for the proper usage of “whilst.”
ROFL!!!! The tall young man who briefly looks back and walks off is so unbothered by it all. The look on his face when he exits the frame is beyond nonchalant. It’s as if he knows who she and her husband are...
If the Incredible Huckster anything like her cohort Smelly Anne Conjob, she has no beliefs or opinions of her own. She merely parrots what she is told. Many people forget that Conjob worked for Ted Cruz’s campaign and reamed the Tang Toddler regularly, until he hired her.
I love Chrissette. I have been following her since her debut, “I Am” (which was like the first hit of crack - so sublime that you keep going back for more, but can never reach that feeling you experienced on your initial high). The only albums that come close are “Better” and “Lyricist Opus.” Unfortunately the last CD…
Yes!!! He should’ve been disqualified from sitting on the highest court in the land based on his lies alone.
I learned everything I needed to know about Kavanaugh when I saw the video where he snubbed the father of a Parkland High School shooting victim. Karavnaugh looked at that man like he was dog poop on the bottom of his shoe before turning his back on him. Any person who shows that much disdain and disregard for someone…
Don’t be surprised if Smelly Ann Conjob and Sad Sack Huckleberry do exactly that when they run this through the spin cycle.
Nasty heffa.
I read somewhere that the two women were chained in the back of the van. This breaks my heart and boils my blood at the same time.
I want to slap those boys and that teacher for you.
Thank you. I know it wasn’t easy for you to write this, but I hope it was cathartic for you.
I’mma just go ahead and say it. I did NOT know that the woman pictured was Angela Bassett. I don’t know if it’s the hair, make-up, or whatever, but she doesn’t look like herself in that particular photo.
I am certain that Ms. Ford isn’t the only woman that Kavanaugh has assaulted. There’s never only one. I hope other women come forward and are also allowed to testify. I remember when they silenced the other women who were sexually harrassed by Uncle Clarence, thus leaving Anita Hill to the wolves on her own. I can’t…
This is true, but the fact that he is of the “I don’t vote” mindset is still problematic.