Cathartic Ramble

You mean someone that has been described as  a "self-styled gangsta Nancy Sinatra" and "Lolita lost in the hood" doesn't have street cred?

This writing's like, lazy?  Also is that a, baby?

I'd think getting booed off the stage in Williamsburg means you did something right.

Oi! Aye know a Aldrich Ames, e's that bloke down by the docks charging two bits a gander for state secrets!

Unless the marketing campaign is all T&A

@avclub-500e75a036dc2d7d2fec5da1b71d36cc:disqus said ALL your eggs @avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus , so TS for you!

I was disappointed that he wasn't italian though.

If it's one that is somehow even worse that those two, you have to apologize and explain yourself to the chickens as to why you just wasted all their eggs.

Yes, but what if he defending the charge with a counter claim stating that the dick jumped into his hand.  I'd count that as a prostitution charge.

I knew it!

This is why LA has so many attorneys!  Also good luck proving the attempted robbery because the video, it seemed, did not show much of anything.

at this point he is very rich, so no.

I'd extend that to anyone identifying themselves or known to be a member of the paparazzi.  Also a penalty fee should be added to your cable bill if you watch TMZ or to your grocery/bookstore/connivence store if you purchase a trash mag that deals in this business.

I rarely ever eat there, so I'm mostly in a rush to get the hell out since it always seems crowded whenever I go for lunch.

I honestly had no idea Chipotle even played music at their stores.

Really? I assumed he dances for nickels at the pier.

You have the right to know that guacamole is extra!

So the song is already taken down, guess I'll never hear it.

So since their catalogue is generally regarded as pretty good with a few duds, then the first album would be regarded as the same?

does that mean its the ghost of double-d due to a breast reduction surgery or something?