Cathartic Ramble

Thanks for all the great writing ya old drunken codger. I tip my flask to you and will take a long sip today in remembrance of what was once one of my favorite sites. Guess I’ll be checking Rabin’s site more and donate there as well as checking out VanDerWerff in Vox.  You’ll land on your feet Sean.  I’ll be searching

Yes, I miss the good ole days of the Republican party that let prisoners be tortured, spread democracy by force, let one of our most famous cities nearly slide into the sea, and completely crash the economy....[turns on Bruce Springsteen’s “Glory Days” and drives off a cliff]

Hey kids, remember the bible while we shove you into abandoned department stores!

Why not just remake it as a musical?

I’d assume by 2026 the map of the U.S. would more resemble this:

I’ll sell either the rights to my assorted IP, which include (but not limited to) spouting Simpsons quotes out of context, starting several books but never completing them but making a very convoluted outline in the process (think of the potential!), and my entire internet comment history, all for the price of my

Quite the picture you found there

Makes sense.

If you have to ask then you don’t get it. This just furthers my Pickle Kanye clone theory. The hints were so obvious but no one picked up on them but me and my szechuan sauce coated fingers.

Wonder how much of the current season he had filmed. Always enjoyed his work. Sad times.

Man-Beast movie confirmed?!

Ragin’ Rajesh...could make it into a Bollywood musical.

The burning question I have for Rampage is does the gorilla or one of the monsters break a skyscraper’s window and eat one or more of the occupants? That’s all I remember from playing that game. That and the Wolfman turning into a little guy in tighty-whiteys when he runs out of health.

I’m still not sure if I’d follow the Shoe or the Gourd.

I would like to know what assortment of drugs he was on for those animated shorts.

What are your thoughts on dead birds?

File Photo of Wendy’s Founder Dave Thomas

Having now listened to the album, that Stereogum review is way off. I still have the riff from “Corporation” in my head. We can always go back and listen to the first four songs off White Blood Cells. His review seems to be for more clickbait and making grand pronouncements so he can achieve a takedown than actually

I’ve liked what I’ve heard so far off the album so I’m looking forward to it. The songs sound way more interesting than anything off the last two solos, which were good but not very memorable.

IT: 2: Clown Bugaloo