Cathartic Ramble

so you're growing pot?

and @avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus  compared the notion of a belief in god directly to evolution.  Guys, I think s/he's ready for a little site known for balance…reddit.

I was there too, I went back and played Wing Commander IV to mask my shame.

they should have just called the song that.

See you in the car!

I think Anyone's Ghost, Little Faith, or Bloodbuzz Ohio are good ones to go back to for High Violet.  Though I like the whole album, but I think Conversation 16 probably sounds the most like Alligator to me.

I liked it before I even HEARD of it!

How about Dr. Oz and Ken Jeong, two doctors!

i'm thinking a mix of a teenager on reddit and an idiot on 4chan.  Wait, is that redundant?

wait, knowing about bela fleck in the 80's got you laid?

not as bad as vit-a-mins and sche-dule.  Or grey as a colour, my god.

So Romney is the next companion?  Hmm…a cyberman as a companion…interesting

@Scrawler2:disqus , you mean the power ranger Daleks?  Because that's my theory of what ultimately happened to the power rangers.

oh yeah @avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus , if infantiles are so unsentimental then why do they cry about everything?  Wahhh! My bottle! Waahh! the 90's were awesome! Wahh! My sandcastle!  Wahh!  The new Tardis is crap! Wahh!

supposedly Lucas kept a tight lid on identifying Yoda's species or even hinted that the was a species other than Yoda.  But I'm don't read the expanded universe stuff, so I have no idea.

@avclub-5354ae126495667a24e77e66cc463276:disqus , well that makes sense as to why so many of the Trek space battles were so dull.

Yeah I think him and Laraine Newman were the youngest on the original cast.  Though Eddie Murphy was only 19 when he joined and the youngest cast member ever goes to Anthony Michael Hall at 17.

Ray, when someone asks if you're a god, you say "yes"!

I suggest Beiber and the all new Chevy Impala host

I guess it's just a natural extension of their "I'm a smug asshole" van commercials.