Cathartic Ramble

Until I throw back some beers, then it's heedless pessimism!

In order to get the insurance from Comcast?

The show is seeming to find its legs under the new showrunners and now with another season I think it can really come into its own. But that's just me, though there has been some definite duds this season.  Hopefully the holiday episodes will actually line up next season!

They really must have Britta'd the schedule for this to happen!

This is moviefone, press 1 for bombastic exposition or if you'd like a movie with subtlety hang up and try again!

See all I had to deal with as a kid was my love of power rangers, which I never told anyone about for fear of ridicule.  That is until my parents threw me a surprise birthday party with nothing but power ranger decorations.

yes @avclub-58238e9ae2dd305d79c2ebc8c1883422:disqus because I was being completely serious and I totally think the Chargers should be rewarded for constantly grasping defeat from the jaws of victory and then threatening to move to LA.

Though what is up with Phil, does he really just hate everything?  Since when are Jaws and Star Wars mutually exclusive?  I was usually pretty accepting of kids when I was young, but man, I really think he would have pissed me off with that one.  Especially since he knew about Buck Rogers in 77 and ruled his knowledge

No ESPN Ocho?

I know! I'm sick of seeing the Chargers lose in the 4th quarter only intermittently and complain that no one wants to attend games in Chula fucking Vista.

Forget it Troll, it's Disqustown.

Thanks Obama

I never stopped believing in fields.

Allo, Oim from Sussex and Oi floy in me aeroplane after a pint and pick daisies in my jalopy! Oi say!

So you're Anthony Kiedis?

*states love for Jeff Magnum, is instantly ridiculed*

Good old Grimey having a nonexistent son!

He touched me….on the bum.

Hello Computer.

That Red Rocks show sounds pretty damn awesome.