Cathartic Ramble

There is a difference between intentional bad acting and just bad line delivery to render something that was funny on the page into something idiotic, which was witnessed above.  Though I am only talking about the woman in this scene, the man and the kid were great.

Remember when all the av club writers weren't leaving and this site wasn't getting taken over by wannabe redditors? (No slam to you Gary X, you've been around a while, I'm talking about the people on this thread)

although, anything is better than the horrible line delivery the woman gave in this.  It actually could have been a funny sketch with better direction, line delivery, actors, setting. Hell, just let Braff direct this, it'll at least turn out better.  But really, to reinforce the point, that woman's line delivery

Tell me, please, for I have been away for some time, when did dumbass teenagers take over this site?  Was it because of the lax grades on albums recently?  Oh Giambi, hold me!

Ah the gigantic ass-fuck dipshit strike again.  Troll away friend, troll away.

well, you sound like a bitchy 15 year old. Honestly, the fact that you classify the 00's music as an "era" screams of pretentious teenage music critic.

Mine's life flavored.

Ah yes, @avclub-0de6dd3e9c3035563f798edb70fd1955:disqus , the latest of the new trolls here.  Best to ignore the twat son.


I heard about this and very much look forward to it. I thought it was a great introspective to him on "It Might Get Loud" and I have never been disappointed on anything he's done yet.

Suicide Booth!

I'd rather have him make a comeback than Taking Back Sunday

Do you mean how is it possible to have grown up a "fan" of theirs?

It obviously represents the duality of the emo buddha jesus muhammad krishna sagan, as presented by a reddit 00's kid.

God gave rock and roll to you!

something, something, Dawes brought you all together….

Third Eye Blind Semi-Charmed Kind of NO

Rewatching the show now, McGinley's hair gets curlier, but changes color from brown to red to brown to blondish to pretty blond to brown again.  My wife and I were making jokes about it too.

i'd like to see the kill rate between Scrubs and Gray's Anatomy, I'm guessing Scrubs was higher even though Gray's was a "drama" (I think I never watched more than an episode and I thought it was pretty ridiculous)

I'm not sure which episode has Cox as his saddest, Ben's Funeral, losing the 3 patient because of the infected organs, or Laverne's death.  I'd say Ben's funeral because that always gets to me.  (by the way, i'm in the middle of rewatching the show, it really holds up well)