
And also shooting Vlad. That's the one thing I'll never forgive Stan for.

…So no one else thought the papier-mache head was a reference to the "I Took A Pill In Ibiza" video.…
No. *hangs head in shame* I mean, the song did kind of remind me of BoJack.

I'm still angrier at the Amazing Spider-Man movies. Those movies were made, because Sony did not want to give up the movie rights, Since they really wanted to hang on to the movie rights, they gave the tv rights back to Marvel/Disney, and that is why there are only 26 episodes of the Spectacular Spider-Man, which was

This isn't the same thing. Like, Justine Sacco was just trying to be funny. She didn't deserve to be made the Internet's punching bag for a poorly worded joke. This girl on the other hand is defending a rapist and blaming the victim. There's a big difference.

Personally, I preferred the first game to the second one. Although, admittedly that's at least in part because I kept failing a rebuttal showdown in Class Trial 2 and haven't gone back since. I tried to look it up, and it said I didn't get enough Hope Fragments or something? Anyway, I was actually surprised by how

I think of Titanic as being both a good movie and a bad movie. Like, the Jack/Rose stuff is absolute tripe and the dialogue does suck. I do think though that the ship sinking is actually really well done. I find a lot of it affecting. Like the captain and Mr. Andrews going down with their ship. Or the old couple in

On the podcast, he said that Stewart did actually suggest him for the job.

Cenac doesn't actually speak to his family so…

He asked if Wyatt got along with Jon, but he didn't really prod him at all.

Um, I agree with you. I was being sarcastic.

I honestly don't think anything could beat the Dear Prudie Gay Twincest letter anyway.

One of the biggest complaints he apparently has about the movie is that they edited his sentence about her going to rehab. In the movie, it's supposedly "I didn't think she needed to go to rehab." Mr. Winehouse maintains that what he actually said is "I didn't think she needed to go to rehab at that time." This is

…Dang and I thought that NPH was cool. That's just really horrible.

I admittedly had to look him up, but as soon as I saw his picture, it was like "oh my God, I have seen that guy in every single show that I have ever seen on ancient Egypt."

Hey, let's not besmirch the name of syphilis by associating it with Bill Cosby okay!

I honestly just fast-forward until I see either Alfred or Bruce. I should probably be more ashamed to admit that than I am.

"Reader, I set that b*tch's house on fire."

I don't think so. She was always just one of these background characters who would pop up occasionally.