my god that is beautiful
my god that is beautiful
Everyone knows that William Henry Harrison died after 30 days in office...but maybe he didn’t?
I want to write a book. Now I just need to think of a unique conspiracy theory.
I feel like her crude humor comes across as trying way hard. The self-deprecating fat jokes are old too. The only person (other than some random twitter trolls) who calls Amy Schumer fat is Amy Schumer.
Yeah there’s two different kinds of midwives — Nurse Midwives (RNs who have insanely high levels of education and training — need a masters+RN+a million hours of training—probably did your implant insertion) and Professional Midwives, whose training is much less rigorous. The first kind can do many more procedures.…
OK but if a whole lot of people don’t get it’s satire of a racist person, the joke might not be working so well. It’s not coming off as a brilliant parody.
Off to go do some stalking. Tara is a national treasure.
Your kid should be not still so into your boobs still when she hasn’t nursed for three years but insists on pinching your nipples at least once a day and saying “milk bottle milk bottle.”
Crock pots/slow cookers are so easy and great for the lazy and impatient. Step 1: put some shit in the crock pot. Step 2: go about your day. Step 3: come home to food waiting for you.
Totally agreed. Reddit is awesome — I’m always amazed at the ways Reddit’s improved my life. Tax stuff, apartment stuff, bra fitting stuff. (Seriously the tax thing was amazing, Turbo Tax was trying to tell me I owed $5000 to the DC government because of some obscure line on the DC tax form. I didn’t:D) #badfeminist
Yes! The reporter talking to her mom was Sarah Koenig from Serial btw!
I kind of side eyed that sentence. Everybody all the time talks when they’re not totally sure what they’re saying. Unless she’s talking about giving an actual rehearsed presentation? Even if I do know what I’m talking about I second guess myself sometimes.
Obtuse? Seriously?
Seriously! It’s called being a parent.
I don’t even get what the stock photo is supposed to be about. A crying 5 year old? Kids that age cry, whether or not they’re vaccinated. Is he supposed to look autistic or filled with toxins or something?
not sure if this will work since kinja’s being kinja today.
And he was born in the UK! It makes no sense that this hipster douche with stupid facial hair is making the Confederate flag his crusade.
I’m all for some of the 90s fashion coming back but Tshirt under dress is a big nope. My favorite 5th grade outfit was tshirt, floral sundress, denim vest.
The better Miranda Bailey. No way she’s anti-vax!
I don’t know why so many are giving you a hard time about this because I totally agree. It’s crazy how much people are willing to bend over backward to defend Amy Schumer. If anyone else had said this people would be really upset.