I’ve mentioned a buncha times that Nick O’s dad was my junior high social studies teacher. Ol’ Ric’s duties included teaching the Illinois-mandated state and US Constitution tests to his charges. Dude definitely had the US Constitution memorized, and maybe even the Illinois one as well. I would imagine that he passed…
“The South Shall Reese Again!”
My Latin is a bit rusty but I believe that translates to “No one is better than Bon Jovi.”
One of the surprise curiosities of this election is that the bulk of Mormons apparently believe in the ethics they profess, and the bulk of evangelicals are clear bullshiters.
Now THAT’S an original sin!
Really his first words to him were “Caught you with your mouth full?”....
Jesus died for our sins, so if we don’t sin, he died for nothing.
“I’m not a witch, I’m you.”
He should have stuck to 17 year old girls, like Jesus intended.
Small steps. Henceforth he will continue to try to meet high schoolers, but will be sure only to text them from burner phones and only to meet them in private settings.
Or is he promising not to repeat being attracted to that particular young man?
You know I want to say she’s wrong but I distinctly remember that the first EVER rainstorm in the world occurred in the early 1990s. That was bad enough but later, in the suddenly cold winter months (we used to haul in four crops a year in the bright and endless sunshine), there was this thing called snow that showed…
evangelical host Pat Robertson said that Trump was “just trying to look macho.”
I don’t know, a mortality clause doesn’t appear useful in this case. I know they put some stiffs on the air, but this seems extreme.
If Lupita “Most Perfect Human” Nyong’o can’t pull off high-waisted pants, then that trend really needs to be killed. Now. Never to be seen again. She is gorgeous, the top, the face, the head wrap; but those pants, no, just no.
Kardashian hate will make you a ranting, conspiracy-theory spouting lunatic who can’t be reasoned with.
What’s important to remember is that there are numerous theories floating around for a reason: to obfuscate the truth. A little known tradition of the Illuminati is the spousal membership. When Kanye became Illuminati he asked that the rites be extended to Kim as well, so she received what is known as an infinity…
I have judged the ever loving fuck out of the commenters here who were nasty about Kim’s robbing. Victim blaming is a ugly thing.