“The book’s official author is listed as Nintendo”. What else do you need? Link to become flesh and to barrel roll out yelling “HYAH! THIS IS CANON!”
“The book’s official author is listed as Nintendo”. What else do you need? Link to become flesh and to barrel roll out yelling “HYAH! THIS IS CANON!”
I’ve been taking a little break from Jez so I just got this. How are you doing today?
Ayoooo happy new year everyone, who’s heard about that bananas Azealia Banks shit?
I don’t knowthat I’m a position to give advice, but you are not alone and I’d like to be here for you as someone who has been through it, if you’d like to talk or commiserate. I’ve battled Bulimia for probably 12 years or so, and pregnancy was the worst. I mean, I had a mild pregnancy, didn’t gain much weight, never…
I think that is the most apt descriptor for the upholstery. It just screams East Coast money. It reminds me of this one time when I was at an art gallery (it was either Vancouver or NYC, I can’t really remember because it was so long ago, if any art people know what I’m talking about HMU because I’m curious) where…
I will pray for ur sacrifice, thank you anne :’(
I tried this a while ago, though I used the mayo on the INSIDE and butter out, and I grate my cheese for better meltiness. It was pretttttttttty good. My only protip is to use a lid for the first side and low heat, I find the lid helps the cheese melt faster so it’s easier to flip (esp if you are like me and use high…
I have been obsessed with this since his first was born. i even took bets with my friends when Buddy was born as to what fresh hell we’d be faced with. Awful, awful names. Poppy and River on their own are fine, but in combination with all of the other names, its a saccharine and annoying list
Go look at my blog post. The comments continued for like two months. Sorry you’re this week’s punching bag, it really is brutal
I think if you ate meat and dairy at any point during the day (separate of course) probably not because they would mix when you threw up. Is there a loophole for that?
Do you remember the Rehtaeh Parsons case? refresher: https://www.google.ca/search?q=rehtaeh+parsons&oq=rethaeh&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.5780j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, maybe Alberta. we’d make one hell of a nation. maybe it’s time. it has my vote.
I have my bfs passwords but that’s mostly because he only has the one across accounts and we share a PC. Not like I use it. He doesn’t have mine, but a trusted friend does, with the instructions to never use it unless I die, and only to delete everything. Part of trust with my friends is that they can tell me stuff…
Big breasts, long torso, short legs, 5'6", around 140-150 lbs. seems pretty average right? INCORRECT. If I buy boot cut, I look bizarre because of the short leg thing, so skinny jeans it is. My legs are “petite” length but regular width. If they fit in the hips, they are six inches too long and no, hemming is not a…
I bought that for my mom a few years ago...because I wanted to read it. gonna have to sneak it into my bag one of these days >.>
I have my own personal demons to battle, I’ve reached peak engagement. I want to be a part of the battle, and fight stuff, but the sheer amount of campus sexual assaults and killings of POC and pipeline talk has just been overwhelming and you said it best, it’s a saturation point. I literally don’t know what’s going…
Being a mom is GREAT, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but that is how *I* feel. You are entitled to your feelings, and if you feel like your life is fulfilling and happy without it, then bully for you. I’m sorry others have made you feel bad, I’m actually grateful you haven’t…