
thats not confrontational, thats educational, and i appreciate it - thanks!


I did like her and don’t care if she slept with Brad but she’s a 9/11 Truther and that’s one of my pet peeves. Sometimes I wish we didn’t know so much about celebrities but I’m addicted to drama that doesn’t affect me.

This reminded me it’s almost time for my annual binge rewatching of all the Buffy.


So THAT’s the Vagenda of Manocide!

I’m relieved that this was an improvised thing. If this had been the plan, I would have been upset that they didn’t use a wagon or something to get him down the aisle more comfortably.

It’s almost as if she’s using her well-publicized kindness as a coverup for some terrible misdeed. I’m not saying Taylor Swift murdered a drifter, I’m just saying if you wanted to distract attention from a heinous crime, this would probably be the way to do it.

Some people are saying it. You’re not implying it but some people are saying it.

I honestly didn’t think about weight; I thought she was being generally insulting, like he’s just repellant. I consider this guy “husky” (neutral) so it didn’t occur to me that that would be the insult. I accept your judgment; I’m just adding my response for science.

Where do you perceive weight or appearance coming into it?

(Whispers) because it’s the clown thats standing behind you. (Giggles) if you turn around...he’ll get your nose (pulls out scissors) he loves to get noses.

Yes. model release is a thing. Our kid wore a head-shaping helmet for a few months and we wouldn’t sign the release to let them use his before and after shots in promotional material. He’s a baby, and he can’t tell us that he doesn’t want his medical treatment used in an ad. So we erred on the side of caution and

Not only that but the whole point of this moronic stunt was the show the non-using public about the effects of drug use. A quick google search does just that. Hell, haven’t we all seen the meth mugshot timeline? Also, I don’t need to see what cops see. That’s why I’m not a cop.

I am so fucking team Iron Man after this shit.

As a person who grew up drinking milk freshly squeezed from a cows teat, I give it up wholeheartedly to almond milk. Milk fresh from a cow smells terrible and really isn’t that pleasant. It’s processed to shit, by the time it hits stores.

My dream: 500 million children balling up the straw wrapping paper, sticking it in the straw, and blow-gunning it into the eye of the kid sitting across from her on the bus.

“We consume 500 million straws each day. The equivalent of 127 school buses filled with straws. It’s disgusting, ” Adrian Grenier declares the minute I sit down, brandishing a plastic straw that the waiter had forgotten to remove. “There should be children in those school buses, going to school, to learn, not straws,”

Admission: I like it when people appropriate my culture. It feels like acceptance. Is that odd?

How great it must feel to do something charitable and have the credit go to your ex boyfriend.