
Are the pictures somewhere online? I always liked the idea of game photographer. Something akin to a war-time photographer. I think a gallery needs to be somewhere of the experiences by the players.

My favorite is always the one-off Windows 8 Beta wallpaper. I felt it showed optimism for its new metro style.

Whenever I play a visually satisfying first person shooter (campaign part not multiplayer), I always spend some quality time just looking at what those who made the game put into it. Usually you speed right past most of it to either simply finish the objective or not get your head chewed off. My biggest "offenders" of

I just upgraded to a soft mat mouse pad from the hard wood of my desk and I think its a slightly better experience when my arm is resting on it compared to lacquered wood.

I stopped playing after I finished the Red Marker public works project...

I knew I shouldn't have completed that Red Marker public works project.