
Of course you are!

*Someone* has to wrestle the alligators.

Are you the church lady? I’d challenge you to a superior-dance off, but you’d smoke me! (Not in the giod, sexually active smoking type of way.)

Above you said you don’t know much about soccer revenue, and here you say they HAVE to pay the men more, and reference “collective objectivity” (that one must have hurt coming out of your ass). There’s no real substance here except girlz drool, is there?

Yes, men are (generally) stronger and faster than women. That’s like saying the earth is round. The dude’s point is sailing over your head. Does that mean that women’s sports are less competitively interesting or compelling as men’s? No. Sports are entertainment, and that is subjective, and a lot of people enjoy

Yeah! My dad has had two “small” strokes and the changes in his personality, speech, energy level, etc. are dramatic to me.