He used to write weekly sandwich reviews for spurs.com from other NBA cities. Bonner is the MAN!
He used to write weekly sandwich reviews for spurs.com from other NBA cities. Bonner is the MAN!
I'm sure this is really going to make her wanna fuck him more. Great job!
"I thought the generals were due." Classic
"This is literally the best letter I've ever read." That's an actual quote from Colin Cowherd. He was just fucking gushing. It was obnoxious, even for him.
This really needs to be up top with the other ugly mugs. This is better than any of em
Nobody drinks juice in Cleveland, as they're afraid it might provide some health benefits. Nobody wants to live any longer than they have to in Cleveland.
Isn't it somewhat obscured by your shadow? And that limited between the legs viewing window? Give me an unobstructed, full bowl view or give me death! Honestly though, the level of disgust and astonishment each side has with the other is insane. Ask your friends, you'll be surprised how varied it is.
Question for all the sitters: Do you guys never get to look at your dumps prior to obscuring the view with TP? If so, what a sad sad existence.
Spurs fan here, wanted to point out you forgot when Parker FUCKED BRENT BARRY'S WIFE! Barry conveniently wasn't on the roster the following season.
Do you think other analysts are turned off by him because of his analysis or because he sort of waltzed into his position without paying his dues? I feel like its the latter. He is a bit reactive, but I think in general he does a decent job
Heard him on the radio Tuesday pretty much guaranteeing the Heat would win this series. Nothing wrong with that, just a Spurs fan wanting to mildly troll. YOUR ANALYSIS IS AS FLIP FLOPPY AS (insert politician you hate) SIMMONS! PAY THE TROLL TOLL
Isn't it refreshaping to see ball movement triumph? I hope the youth of America are taking notes
If I overestimated the traffic in what are clearly large cities, my mistake. I lived in DC for a couple years, I understand traffic. My initial post was describing why WV people stereotype Ohio people. If I misunderstood the reason Ohio drivers seem to be less courteous than WV ones, I apologize. Nowhere on earth…
You're right, I was kidding. Traffic in Cleveland is no worse than any small town in WV. There are only two major metropolitan areas in the US. SORRY CHICAGO & DC, YOU DIDNT MAKE THE CUT!
Large enough where driving is necessarily more aggressive. I don't think you have to be in the top ten in size to be considered a "major metropolitan area", but agree to disagree.
West Virginians hate Ohio because, in general, people here are incredibly courteous drivers. Almost to a fault, really. Anyway, many Ohioans come from major metropolitan areas, and are naturally more aggressive. That's true of many states, but we encounter more people from Ohio here in the Charleston metro area, so…
The first second he was on the air he was overused. He is a despicable human being.
That was my initial thought too, but there are places on earth where the people literally eat mud pies. Surely in those places they eat their dairy cows. If they have hamburgers is an entirely different question.
Its amazing how hitting people with lasers in a fog room, Mortal Combat music blaring on a loop, can make your dick feel ten feet long.