
I don’t know what it is about this new space race that has captivated me so much, but I wept during the launch yesterday. I didn’t become fascinated with space until after college, so I missed that boat for getting involved professionally. But I’m so glad there are people like Elon Musk willing to make the investments

What he’s wondering is apps that convert things written on paper by hand to text that you can put into a word document.

the rule of thumb is: drugs go north, guns go south.

I clicked on the article just to read the comments.

no! Not so far. I guess I just assume the technology must be there because they can OCR and make it searchable... But my guess is that the OCR isn't very good and they don't want to show you a text file of terrible conversions.

Geez, what a thug. He just said he goes into the strip club and doesn't even tip.

Shouldn't you be whipping me up a Cheddaconda Cobra Style instead of commenting on Lifehacker posts? When are you guys coming to Brighton this year?

I strongly suggest that if you're obsessed with social media likes, this is a giant warning sign that you're focusing on the wrong things in life and need some serious, immediate self examination. Something has gone horribly wrong.

Photos, each with its own mood and tone.

I have made it easy for myself to just say "fuck it" and drop everything in the city/at work and set up my mobile office in the mountains of Eastern Oregon. I will do this at the coast as well. Has done wonders when I really need to put the grey matter in to overdrive.

Many of us have a special place we like to go when we have some real thinking to do. Perhaps it's a comfy chair, a