catch the beast

If you were Ivanka Trump and had to create a role, what would you choose? Take a walk in Ivanka Trump’s shoes.

I only remember being somewhat disappointed by Jennifer’s Body, but it was decent. Possibly expectations were too high.

Yes! I did think of Mean Girls. It’s a classic coming-of-age comedy, every decade needs one, and her role was not particularly remarkable. She basically acted the dumb blonde trope. Groundbreaking.

So maybe she likes doing corny feel-goods.

Mmm. Wonton sex.

Their children will have really bulgey eyes.

I ignorantly raised my children to be racist bigots, and it has not worked in their favor. PLEASE TO MONEY THX

It’s incredibly difficult to get sexual harassment taken seriously. It all comes down to money. There is a certain type of person that is adept at using their privilege to get whatever they want...and also, I think, to play dominant for the hell of it when they feel like it.

I think you DontGet Loretta’s comment.

I have to add: against drafting anyone at all.

What wonderful irony. While our prospects for equality decrease, our likelihood of fatality in combat increases.

What are you afraid of?

Nothing good? How about fixing the problem and making sure this doesn’t happen again.

Why don’t they teach these languages in schools? Because it’s really, really difficult to require public schools to teach any kind of curriculum. And we can’t just easily come up with thousands of teachers who fluently speak indigenous languages.

I don’t think I’d recognise Lady Gagag if I saw her in plainclothes and no makeup on the street.

What country did she go to school in? Didn’t she ever wonder what all of those oscar-winning WWII movies were going on about?

I don’t think she has an American accent. It might be Australian.

Make it even harder for them to access healthcare, housing, education. God that would be awful.

You don’t know! I might have really brittle bones and weak organs.

Ivanka is wearing blue.