catch the beast

I’m pretty sure I will die falling through one of these.

Michelle Obama for president

Sad that some can’t enjoy such a beautiful, historic city. As a skeptic, though, I wonder what the actual cause of that discomfort is.

Hundreds of people throughout the last two centuries. This young man had most of the world against him.

So don’t buy cereal from a brand mascot with a big arse on their head.

No. That grout looks fucked up with mildew, but the cat seems fine.

“And she made me promise or swear to her that I would never date a girl younger than her.”

Pathetic little man can’t even open the door for himself.

Woah woah woah - if anyone told me to fucking relax while I was having menstrual cramps I would cut them.

His reply was more telling, in that he called it a “small loan.” A small loan of $14 mil.

Please tell me this is sarcasm. Just 13 years old. 13 is still a kid. You are allowed to make mistakes and not die for them at 13.

Have you tried Cera Ve? They have a lightweight daytime lotion with SPF. I think Target might do a cheaper dupe.

Did any of them resemble this woman?

This is called Pareidolia, seeing Jesus in your toast. Anyone stupid enough to support Trump will absolutely lap it up.

What about the PTSD of his victim?

Anyone else manage to see Shakespeare in the park this summer? I’m a very very (very) casual Shakespeare fan, but after seeing Troilus and Cressida, it sealed for me that this guy was wayyyy beyond his time. Or maybe that genius is timeless. He wrote about gay love, there are very few people today who can do that. *

Wait. The Trump campaign’s pandering to millennials consists of a photo of a few of his children?!

I think it would be more of a drag if it wasn’t so freaking terrifying.

I feel ya. Also biracial. I am always on the lookout for foundations with more yellow undertones. Anything pink and I look like I’m wearing a weird beige mask. My skin also changes shade a lot in the winter and summer (I tan easily but get ridiulously pale without sun), so it’s a constant battle. I have about 6

Ew, it was a Game of Thrones-themed wedding.