Cat Cee

Rice and beans are delicious. :)

I think this is the point of this article. I'll make sure my dog is safe, but I'm not going to put my dog on a fad diet that costs more than my human food. I pay roughly $10 p/wk for her food (probably a little less, one bag @$28 lasts about 3wks). There's No Way I will be paying nearly $40 p/bag for some of the

I've never understood what's so wrong with grains. See, this is where I'm going to agree with the OP... stop stressing so much!

The vets I've gone to for my cats and dog haven't mentioned that we should switch foods ever. They mostly mention that it's good that they're all at healthy weights and seem happy/healthy so I'm sure that expensive food with meats is fine, it just doesn't seem super important to me. As long as they get all the

If I knew that spending a couple extra bucks every two weeks would keep my dog and cat healthy, I think I'd be inclined to do it.

Sigh. The perspective in this article is disappointingly limited and out of date. Eating organic (by humans or animals) isn't just about health outcomes. It's also about the environment. I totally agree that people are ga-ga for their pets and humanize them in ridiculous ways, but a little more research and