
First, you need exact birth stats for both (city of birth, exact time, date), then open a free account on Astrodienst (must be others, but that's what I use), enter the data, then go to "free charts" & choose synastry. Then: intrepret! Obviously, that's the short answer. Fun & fascinating though.

"imagine being married for 20 years with NO communication" — Ken, there are many who would consider that an improvement.

Tired of waiting for the "girl of his dreams" to accompany him, my long-lovelorn brother went on vacation to Costa Rica, the one place on the planet he'd most wanted all his life to visit. On his last day there, through a friend back home who'd arranged the introduction, he took a woman to a movie, My Big Fat Greek

A lot of us just spent the weekend analyzing why Rodger killed six people who did *nothing* to him — there is no rational reason. Plenty of people would have envied Rodger his advantages in life. Both these guys were/are gravely soul sick (or evil) (or mentally ill). Name your poison.

Can you indeed? I suppose you find what you look for in life.

"they also did it with the mafia" — to clarify: did you mean Providence also paved over the mafia? Or ripped off the mafia? Or made the mafia into an ongoing art installation?

"...a touch less asphalt. Or even water!" — Providence, RI illustrated this literally: they had actually *paved* over a river downtown. They ripped off that asphalt after decades and lo! An artist conceived of "Waterfire," an ongoing art installation well worth any city planner's consideration.

Blue would be more diagnostic ;)

Am just emerging from close to three months of being in bed 23 out of 24 hours (thank God for my dog I have to walk), and like you, *overwhelming* fatigue / lethargy is the chief symptom of the major depression I've been diagnosed with since my mid-teens. Like you, I don't identify with many of the common symptoms of

Are we seeing an increase in sinkholes, or do we just notice them more as we build upon / pave more of the earth's surface?