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I don’t mind being lady-pandered to in my commercials, so long as it’s done effectively. GTFO of here with your creepy cartoon man trying to seduce me by humping a Swiffer. Give momma the real good stuff or nada. I feel like every man studying advertising should be made to see and understand, at a basic level, how

My 83 year old dad bought his own Lego set because he had so much fun playing with his grandson’s set.

Because the only celeb tidbit I considered responding to was the Ed Sheeran one, I bring you this instead:


I apologize in advance for being a pedant, but Trotsky never said that. He did write something similar though:

Here’s the deal: either punching literal Nazis in the face is morally acceptable, or America has to stop jerking itself off over WWII.

That’s because it’s not *always* wrong. It’s *almost* always wrong in *almost* everyone’s daily life. Violence is just a tool in the toolbox. One does not use a hammer to drive a screw, or a soldering iron to cook scrambled eggs. Violence is the tool of choice for dealing with Nazis and other such low forms of life,

You nailed it. Not to mention knitting is a valuable skill practiced for centuries and represents self-reliance in an overly capitalist society- but because its primarily done by women, that automatically makes it “frivolous”.

No, he should die. As Clint Eastwood said, “It’s a hell of a thing, killin’ a man. You take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.”

To equate anything she does to the work that the Satanists have been doing for years is an affront to their accomplishments.

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows

Two words: uneducated whites. Emphasis on uneducated, and whites.

The guy next to me in afternoon class was bragging about voting for Jill stein. I threatened to castrate him with my knitting needles. He changed seats.

I always remember a story about a female scientist in the 1700s, Émilie du Châtelet, who when she found out she was pregnant at 42 rushed to complete her work because she KNEW she would die.

You know what they call people who use the rhythm method right?

That’s really the only response. Some idiots I know are all like “don’t hate people because they voted different than you!”

To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:

To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...