
Whatever makes him feel better, he’s pretty random. Last November, I saw him bounce a spectacular saving throw off the ceiling against an undead lycanthrope. Most of the table is still pretty mad at him for that.

My D&D experience summed up in one meme....

I know having a kid with autism must come with its challenges, but viewing autistic people as broken or deficient or a burden probably makes it 10x harder to raise an autistic kid than if we viewed neurodiversity as a healthy part of a thriving family and society. I suspect ableism is a big driver of the anti-vaccine

Sanders motivated the left so much he got stomped in pretty much every major primary against Clinton.

I want to hug you. Those who were able to stay home or write in their favorite or vote for a third party they do not believe in even though the alternative was we really want to break ourselves courting them? 

If these Left voters or really any voters needed to be “energized” to vote against Trump they sound like pretty shitty people. You shouldn’t need the world’s greatest candidate as an alternative not to vote for Tango.

It’s not your duty. It’s your compulsion.

“Never go through their stuff without permission” is such a big one. So many parents do not have this boundary (ahem, Mom).

Yeah, you can’t go from being silent on the matter of sex to “I want to be such a good liberal parent that I’ll let you have sex in your room. Have a box of condoms” and expect that to go over well.

Wow, wait, deregulating the taxi industry and giving it over to unaccountable techno-libertarians and your sketchy neighbor Steve has consequences? Who’d have thunk it?

an incisive person is one who is defined by clarity of analytical thought

*Someone’s* eager to be called names on the internet!

Fucking cheapskate humiliation fetishists.

As a mom of two little ones, my husband better have some nice lady locked down within a year. He can’t do this shit alone.

You can honor a marriage while participating in all the benefits of having a committed partnership. How does loneliness honor a spouse that is no longer living?

Depends on whether you consider “common” and “normal” to be the same thing.

Tourists and Suffolk students. Seriously, after every evening class I have everyone wants to go to the Beantown Pub. If I’m gonna go have a mediocre beer at a divey bar in that area, I’d rather go to 21st Amendment.

See “family man.” Nobody ever calls anyone a “family woman” because a) it’s a minimum expectation for all women, and b) we have plenty of words for the opposite.

It is very very pretty (it’s custom McQueen if anyone is curious). I love how demure and appropriate is deemed “old lady.” She’s the Duchess of Cambridge at her sister’s daytime wedding yet some people would still rather see her in, IDK, a sequined cocktail dress at 11 a.m. Would that we all be old ladies who look

Me, I’m partial to someone with a keen understanding of how our government functions and prior experience, but I’ve always been an odd duck.

High star count? Is that supposed to be an indicator? I’ve seen some straight up racist shit have high star counts. That’s absolutely ridiculous. If as much effort was put into making it clear it was sarcasm was put into trying to tell me that I should have just known because reasons we wouldn’t be having this