Cata Doxa

I get you, I just hate when people apply the racist tag to anything derogatory about white people, because that cheapens the meaning. And it also takes on this notion that you can't say anything other than nice things about white people without being called a racist, which, as we know, is a major slap in the face of


Just wondering, how is what she said racist? I'm not condoning it, but I think you used the wrong terminology. Using a derogatory term about white people does not a racist comment make. Using a slur, then yes, but just speaking about them negatively, as in her use of the term "savages", no.

Will white leaders like Bill O'reilly and Pat Buchannan speak out against this culture of violence in the white community ? Don't hold your breath.

I peed a lil bit.

If you're asking if there's a demographic of small town Americans that idolize and cling to high school athletes as their only hope to bring some sort of pride, community, and entertainment to their small town lives, then sure. The rest of us, not so much.

It's about time the White Community is taking responsibility for the actions of their youth.

Is that a troll I hear? Speak louder troll! You are so very quiet.

Trolling a rape thread, you must be a proud troll. Mom troll will be so happy.

In some towns, sadly, yes.

Run along now troll, I'm done with you. Sing your sad song elsewhere.

If you are serious you are dangerously clueless. Are you a young white middle class male perhaps? Not that I expect you to own up to that.

Question: do Americans actually give a shit about high school athletes? Reading that someone was a "star" high school athlete sounds silly to me. Like who gives a fuck - it's high school.

Thank God!

I say this in 100% seriousness, if I were an attractive female I really do not understand why anyone would not be involved in this or in being a high-end escort. If you have a moral objection to sexual activity that's fine but the majority of my female friends have, on multiple occasions, gone home with strangers

I would much rather read this than look at a billion posts about, say, someone's cat.

Are you secretly convinced like I am that Taylor Swift actually thinks that dinner at Chipotle costs 90 dollars? Like "Oh, Chipotle, that's a cheap place right? So like... 90 dollars?"

This chick can make anything look good.

Yes, but, luckily, with all this evidence he so carelessly provided, mother is in a position to ensure that's a highly structured role and that the court ORDER him to get counseling if he wants to get more.

Yeah, divorce does not solve that problem, but it is a necessary first step.

"He apparently chose leaving his wife over curtailing his online harassment, which is nothing short of depressing."