Cata Doxa

Cool story whitey.

Do better

Good thing your sister likes black dick, right?

Do better

Whatever terminology works for ya whitey

If you're a white you will never be "cute." Go get a job lazy whitey

Bro, you're like Captain America (/Obsessor)! I know you get that because it's comics!

Your white guilt is hilarious

That was just really dumb. Move along


No one cares about your comic analyses, ya bitch!

Move along whitey

Your mother, bro

Whites are disgusting

EXACTLY! It's like, if you're gonna abuse the term, could you at least do it correctly? Just for once?

These whites always wanna be "down." Pathetic

Fuck this piece of shit white devil

God all mighty, whites are ugly

I really wish your dreams could come true and we had more diversity.

How dare you not generalize a whole race's capabilities off of one model!!!