
I love to listen to you libertarian zipperheads squawk about “constitutional rights” like that means something. Here’s a clue: law is passed under the authority granted by the Constitution. The Supreme Court then decides whether or not those laws violate that authority. You live under federal, state and local law,

I could try. I could also try to explain Newtonian physics to my pet cat. It would get me about as far.

Do you have any clue as to what constitutionality means in the context of federal law? Don’t bother to answer-I can tell from your prior comments you don’t.

If you assaulted one child and it led to an investigation and court case it wouldn’t be surprising if you did stop at one...or got much better at covering your tracks.

Stephens is practicing lazy journalism. Yesterday he tweeted that if Allen was guilty the judge presiding over the case could have found Allen guilty. The only problem is that this wasn’t a criminal case and Allen was not being tried on his guilt or innocence. The Judge did find that the allegations were credible.

I just don’t know why people are still carrying water for this scumbag.

This article, from 2014, does an excellent job of breaking down the way the coverage of the case has bent over backward to claim inconsistencies in Dylan’s story while completely ignoring all the inconsistencies and flat-out lies in Woody’s:

Seriously? Uh, Hobby Lobby.

Get the government out of marriage completely...

In person! By hand!

...public schools are required to take all students, whereas Catholic Schools do not have to do this, so you can just bounce a behavior problem...I also worked at a public school in Special Education for a year, and that was that.

“If she was straight and got married in Vegas the same rules would apply.”

Pay at private schools is generally 10-20% less than at public schools.

I’m glad your girlfriend is having a good experience teaching at a charter school. but generally speaking, the pay is not better in religious or charter schools, and both, as demonstrated by the article, hire teachers as “at will” employees.

This is your very first post under a throwaway username, not counting the three posts username “Teacher123456" also made on this story. And your take is bullshit. “Oh, they let her go six weeks before she MADE them fire her by sharing photos on Facebook, she’s just trying to cash in with a lawsuit.”

Maybe she’s Catholic and gay, maybe she didn’t realize she was gay until she met her wife, maybe a religion that allowed and covered up the systematic molestation of children for generations should fucking be cool with the idea that two consenting adults can marry in this country.

This isn’t the mystery you make it out to be. LGBT new teachers are like straight/cis new teachers: in districts where jobs are limited (and with many states slashing their budget, this is commonly the case), you apply everywhere you can and take whatever offer comes your way. Also parochial schools are frequently

“When you are hired, you sign a contract agreeing to abide by the teachings of the Catholic Church. You know that you can be fired for acting publicly in a way that brings “scandal” on the church.”

As a Southerner I can say that middle class opportunities in the South are far and few between especially in Florida. Even though this is in Miami, it’s still a tourist economy.

Where I live, these are often very good schools and the teaching job is a good one. It probably doesn’t seem at the time like your employer will sacrifice basic decency later on while showing you the door. What I’d like to know is why my tax dollar has to subsidize them? They can be bigots if their God tells them they