Money, without hesitation.
Money, without hesitation.
You and I have very different memories of the effect the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill hearings had. I was 40 at the time and it seemed to me that things really didn’t change that much at all. And I remember how Anita Hill was just almost universally crucified by men for her testimony, and by some women as well.
A Bad Hat in a bad hat.
Money. Been disappointed with love plenty, but I’m ready to open my life to money.
How “not love” are we talking about? Friendship? Peaceful coexistence? Singlehood? Or the kind of gross, mean, humiliation that happened in this marriage?
Hear, hear!
“What, I can’t even wink at my 20-something PA anymore or tell her she looks hot in that dress?! Just because I’m a 50-year-old man, does that mean I’m not allowed to indulge in some HARMLESS FLIRTING!!!111!!!!”
Living on the tears of all the bros screeching “So I can’t say anything to any woman anymore?”. As I read in one magnificent tweet (can’t remember by who, unfortunately), “If you can’t tell the difference between sexual harassment and flirting, you should never flirt again”.
Oh, he had no fucking problem calling female politicians out. Black politicians, too. He only ever treated the white male ones with kid gloves.
And now so much of his derision toward women — not just Hillary, but many, many female politicians over the years — makes more sense. He once had a picture of Sen Mary Landrieu photoshopped to look like Cameron Diaz with cum in her hair for the featured photo in his newsletter. Halperin is a vile human being.
I am so happy that these men are finally being brought down. Well, some of them at least. I still cannot believe there isn’t some woman (besides Summer Zervos) from The Apprentice of in the trump company who hasn’t been assaulted by this guy. Please, please, have all these men fired, yet one of them still…
Lol, maybe he’ll blame his priapism on a medical condition.
Good—always thought this guy was a creep. And throughout the run up to the election, I found him to be way too much of a Trump apologist.
“I now understand” = now that I am no longer getting paid
So the guy who called Obama “kind of a dick” turns out to be... a giant dick. Shocking.
And Bill O’Reilly’s book publisher dropped him today.
I don’t remember this much ire when President Obama was hanged in effigy nearly every week. These folks really hate them some Kathy. That is a strange hill to die on considering the terrible male comedians out there.
I was never that mad. Thought it was in poor taste but lots of people do things in poor taste for “art” and with the many people Trump has fucked over/been at least partially responsible for their deaths...I forget where I was going now I’m just mad at that idiot “president” all over again
Really, you’re still mad about that whole Trump thing?
Is it the bleach? Does the hair bleach seep into their brains enabling them to ignore and say these stupid, stupid things? I mean, obviously her and Tammy Locken have the same brain bleacher