
You’re forgetting how much money fox news brings in. They (the Murdoch offspring) might not like it, however that is quantified, but they’ll keep it going as long as it’s still churning out the billion/year it’s shitting out.

“You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”

He probably just screams, “affirmative action is sharia law!”

This says it all. AM is the portrait of decorum and decency in the face of inappropriate back rubs and branded fragrance “mavens” and a mentally impaired expired Fanta. I wish those assholes so much pain and embarrassment I almost feel bad about it.

Who? Every person Trump hires is weird, creepy, a criminal, or says the stupidest thing ever.

I just can’t get over the fact that she looks like a god damn princess and he looks like the unholy progeny between Ted Cruz , a turtle and a Slim Jim. I know looks aren’t everything but fuck. It’s not like he has a sterling personality to compensate. I wanted to be like Huma girl you can do better but now I’m like

Yes. Thank you. Honestly, I really dislike the jokey rhetoric that seems to go with Weiner’s behaviour. Yes, I get his name makes it funny, whatever.

The New York Times has a reputation as an excellent paper but their coverage of Iraq War 2: Let’s Really Screw it Up This Time and Election 2016: America’s “Hold my Beer” Moment makes it clear that reputation is unearned.

It’s kind of funny to see the twitter battle today, where the Times accused Clinton of under-playing the Trump-Russia connections during the campaign, and people replying that whenever she brought it up, the Times mocked her for doing it. Even Nate Silver joined the thread, linking to stories that validated his

I still can’t look at this guy without thinking how he single handedly handed the President over to Trump with his sexting of a teenage girl causing Comey to send that letter to Congress. Hillary would have won if not for the letter.

“You can be around a real world of value or you can live in a fake Clinton world that’s totally dysfunctional and without principle,” the source told the Post”

“Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?”

I fly United from the PNW to the deep South to visit my SO. I have the options of United, Delta, and American when I fly into that particular regional airport. I choose United because their layover hub is directly on the way to my final destination (whereas Delta would have a layover in ATL, which isn’t on the way,

Or all the people who thought Cohen’s Hallelujah was a wonderful Christmas song that should be sung by children.

I’m convinced that a large percentage of the population has poor listening comprehension.

Or people who think “Born in the USA” is patriotic. I mean, you could argue that it’s subversively/unconventionally patriotic, but it’s certainly no ode to Uncle Sam.

Let us all rejoice, but do not forget this bill failed, in large part, because IT WASN’T CRUEL ENOUGH to suit the needs of the far-right Freedumb Caucus nutjobs.

has volunteered to testify in front of the House Intelligence Panel regarding Russia’s influence in the election.

Can we keep an eye on him without having to look directly at him? I don’t want to punish my eyes.