
I think the peace sign is actually intended as mockery. But yes, surprised at the correct spelling...

how do you know it’s food if it isn’t fried?!

Be a regular commentator who isn’t an arsehole

We’ve all done it.

...personally at the start helped stop the phobia of both HIV/AIDS and the associated LGBT+ phobia...

1) There is no one crueler than a teenage girl.

That’s not gonna work for me...can we move it to 7ish? And instead of prayer how about affirmations?

White people need to be at the front of their own movement to remove white supremacy. It is a white problem that needs to be solved by white people.

She called Trump “charming and good-looking”. I think that statement alone impeaches her judgement.

Oh, you are sleek.

My “favorite”, as a teenager in Charleston, SC, was the patter for tours of downtown. “And here’s the Market, where to this day you can shop for anything from antiques to handmade baskets — oh, no, no, slaves were never sold here, no.” Yeah, that’s absolutely right. Because they were sold in the courtyard of a

Under what circumstances can a man say, “She deserves nothing!” And not look like a total douchebag?

There is no such thing as predate.

Truly? I don’t know why, but I find this very sweet.

Also, married to John Ross Bowie (Kripke from BBT - ew, Jimmy from Speechless - HELL YES), another awesome indivual.

Exit polls are not reliable.

I don’t care about sports or parties or babies — or especially sports-people baby parties — but the pics are adorable, the ladies look amazing (even the Lucy, in a thoroughly-unsettling way), and they look like they had a fun time together. These are all good things. Cheers!

No reason?

If he feels so strongly about being interred separately, I think he should start right away.